The free Dativ-Akkusativ trainer of the DeutschAkademie, over 4000 free grammar exercises!

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You have problems with Dativ and Akkusativ? You want to finally understand when to use the Dativ, also "3rd case" or "Wem-case"? You are not sure what the "Akkusativ", also called "4th case" and "Wen-case" is and why it is so important? - If you have answered all three questions with "Yes", then the free Dativ-Akkusativ trainer of the DeutschAkademie is perfect for you!

The free Dativ-Akkusativ trainer of the DeutschAkademie offers you over 4000 exercises on one of the most difficult topics in German grammar. And the best thing is: The Dativ-Akkusativ Trainer is free of charge, whether you are registered or not. You can do all exercises. Experienced German teachers have developed these free exercises to finally put an end to your Dativ-Akkusativ problem. With the free Dativ-Akkusativ Trainer of the DeutschAkademie you will discover the differences between the two cases and learn them by yourself! If you still have a question, our German teachers will help you online! All you need to do is register free of charge, press the "Help" button and soon a German teacher will explain your question to you - free of charge! Your DeutschAkademie wishes you a lot of success in learning German!

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Online Grammatiktrainer der DeutschAkademie hat 4,90 von 5 Sternen 12 Bewertungen auf