My Munich experience, involving the police and a very daring man.

I would like to say, that yesterday, I had started writing this blog in Starbucks, and could not finish it due to the fact a man had stolen my brand new smartphone. What a sad and awful day yesterday was! And how shocked I also am, as I never realized a man could steal a phone that was no more than 1 foot away from me. So yesterday was an interesting day, as I had the experience of riding in a german police car, explore the Turkish Getto near Hauptbahnhof, and also realize in the worst way how fast I could lose 500 euros. Sad day indeed. But with that said, I shall continue my blog. But please note that those people that steal phones are very, very clever. So my advice? ALWAYS put your phone out of site, either in your pocket or in your purse, and keep it close by. Because those guys have the courage and the experience to steal iphones, and any other smartphone for that matter, that is no more than a foot away from you, even in a place such as Starbucks!