14. Kuriositäten

Although it’s still around 0ºC outside, all shops are fully ready for the Spring-Summer season. So if you are, like them, ready for some light clothes and shoes shopping, let’s get started with some trends freshly picked from Munich streets !

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Not that I would buy these, but I think you should know that these wild animal prints are out there !!

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Also, what about the good all Converse All Star ? I actually love their ballerina flat version, but I don’t feel so confident about the heely version … I guess there are as many tastes as people or Earth !

For you, gentlemen, I found some interesting things too ! I thought I was educated enough on the art of making the knot of a tie, but I found this book with at least 20 explanations of tie-knotting!

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It’s almost like a cookbook, with explicative drawings and all. Many of the “recipes” looked alike to me, but I found this I’ve never seen before – der Diagonale !

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So get to your Krawatten !