Who lives in a house like this?

I’m not sure if anyone remembers this but in England there used to be an old TV show hosted by Lloyd Grossman (who now hosts Masterchef, I think) called “Who lives in a house like this?” You got to see small parts of a famous person’s home and players had to guess who it belonged to from the clues. Viewers, almost never got it right but many of the players on the show did. Today, I feel like we were on that show! However, the real issue would’ve have been distinguishing each person’s home.

It was really funny that many of my class (see picture below) lived in apartments in Munich (which is very common here) of which many were described as: big (Gross), light or bright (hell), and with small and dark bathrooms (mit klein und dunkel Badezimmer). I guess that is the price you pay for living in the city…. all except one person in our class. I wonder if you can guess who from the picture below?

My class holding up names of their countries

This person had everything “big” in their apartment and “schoen” (beautiful). They even has a river at the end of their garden where you can go swimming.  They have lived in Munich for a year now so it seems had time to search out a “gem” as we call it in England. In the lesson today, we learnt to how to describe our homes and say things belonged to us or someone else. Let’s just say, today, I wish I could say that the home by the river was mine ;-)

In the picture, my class are all holding up the countries they come from. From left to right, they are from:

Italy, Italy, USA, Sweden / Poland, Venezuela, Germany, Pakistan, Portugal & Norway. Our teacher is Deutsch and unfortunately, Mr Lybia has decided the course really isn’t for him and won’t be returning. It is a shame because I was really looking forward to finding out more about his culture (yes, that’s right… somewhere I haven’t been ;-0).

However, tonight, I do get to find out about other cultures in a more sociable environment. The school has arranged an opportunity for students to meet for dinner in a Mexican restaurant. I am really looking forward to this and practising my speaking. Today, we got to practice “ch” sound again and honestly, I really thought I’d got it before but really hadn’t. Ahh… practice, practice, praktisch!

Have a good weekend everyone and do enjoy the good weather and football. It should be good!!!