The end of week 1 in our German-Class

So it’s the last day of our first week, and boy we’ve learnt a lot!  I already feel a lot more confident if I’m approached in the street and asked a question, or if I’m speaking to a cashier in a shop. I’m not sure what I say is always completely correct, but at least I’m able to say something other than ‘Ich bin Englisch’ ;)The lesson started with a test (arrgh), but it turned out to be fine and a really good way to see the progress being made.  Today was also a chance for us to go over some of the stuff we learnt in days 1-3.  Bettina gave us a little maths test to do to practice our numbers, for example.  This was fun for me as I love maths – although I did read some of the numbers (which were written in German) wrongly as I was too busy trying to quickly work out the sums!  I’m training to become a maths teacher back in England from September, so as well as learning German these classes have been a good way for me to pick up some tips from Bettina’s teaching, as she’s a really good teacher.We also moved on to section 2 of the book today (yes, already!).  We started by navigating a typical registration form; learning how to ask for what our address/telephone number/email address was, and if we were married/had kids etc.  This was all very useful, although I do wish I’d done this lesson before I spent around 4 hours trying to register in the Kreisverwaltungsreferat in Poccistrasse in my first week!We spent the last part of the lesson learning the alphabet, and had to spell out our names, email address etc to each other. This was great for me as I’m having real trouble pronouncing most German words.  Most of the alphabet is quite similar to English, although j (which is ‘jot’ is German) and y (which is Ypsilon) were less intuitive!Ok, so that’s week one over.  I’ve had a great time and looking forward to the next 3 weeks….