Stairway to Heaven

Dear Readers:

This picture sums up of my life within the last year. This is all my German books :) You actually cannot see, but there is a huge cup of coffee to my right. (like always) Which has been my companion through this little path.

To be honest, it has been an emotional rollercoaster ☺ because in 2016 I didn’t even imagine myself learning German. I thought it was a difficult language and frankly I would had learnt any other latin – romance language just because they are closer to my mother language (Spanish) but turns out it not that hard to learn and interesting. If you know a few words in English you already know some German too!

Mann.   Grass.  Ball.  Park. Hand. Haus
man. grass.  ball.  park.  hand.  house

And so on…

When I first move to Germany at first I was petrified when people talk to me and I couldn’t understand them (nor the TV, Radio… basically nothing). For that reason I became a timid person, which is not my personality at all. Thank God it was just a brief period of my live.

Once I enrolled in DeutschAkademie everything started to be transparent. Taking baby steps at a time and, so far so good this is my 7th class!!  Therefore, for me it was a keen decision to enroll and to continue studying. Otherwise, I would be completely lost.

This is my little stairway and I have enjoyed every little step of it.

Hope you guys have an amazing time learning German at DeutschAkademie

Liebe Grüße aus München,
Raissa Ruiz