Second Week

rschrei2.gifMy second week at the DeutschAkademie is still going very well. So far, this week in Munich has had absolutely beautiful weather. The SUN was shining on Sunday, Monday (yesterday) and even some today! It made me so happy to see such beautiful weather outside. In class we had left the windows open and I was able to sit in the sun a little during class….I must say it was really enjoyable!On Monday we had a valuable lesson on Imperative Sentences. This had cleared up a lot of confusion for me, as I had heard these imperative sentences in every day German life, but was not able to understand why the forms of the verb had changed! I appreciated how we were able to learn imperative sentences too: Our teacher had played us a song from a well known German artist (Philipp Poisel)! We were then able to a) listen to some music in german, b) listen to a german band that other Germans from the area typically listen to, and c) learn from it!Today we had a good review over imperative sentences in the way we grouped together to talk about our own culture. In my class, there is a man from France, 2 from Spain, a girl from Norway, a girl from China, and another girl from Italy! Since I was paired with the guy from France, we talked for 25 minutes (all in German!) about our own cultures, and the differences between them. I found it way cool that we were able to have the whole conversation in german (with the help of our dictionaries and the teacher, of course!) and that I now know a lot more about France! Hopefully he understands a little more about America :-)Today, my goal is to learn a few more basic verbs with the appropriate preposition (if there is one), and the case it is normally found. My teacher had given us this handout of basic verbs we should know, and I so far find this really valuable. I plan on expanding my verb vocabulary in the upcoming days!