Romantic date at Hackerbrücke!

Hello people,

Since the moment I passed by Hackerbrüke, in Munich and saw the beautiful sunset I have always wanted to go there for a romantic date. I guess I am a romantic, since nowadays normal dates are less romance and more action, like going out to dinner or the movies. But I like dates to be really personal, this doesn’t mean that you have to spend a lot of money but at least, put a little bit of thought into them and think about how the other person would enjoy themselves the most with me.

This is why, I would like to enjoy a bottle of wine or just a nice conversation over the sunset in this specific location. There is not much to watch but trains and people going back and foward, but I like the feeling of peace in the people sitting on the brindge, without any preocupation but enjoying that moment.

I have passed several times through this spot, always having something to do and not really being able to stop and take the time I want to take pleasure in relaxing with the view and the company I could have.

LG, Paola