How do I practice my German

As I started learning German, I started liking it. Many words and pronunciations are similar to our ancient Indian language ‘Sanskrit’. I have learned Sanskrit for 5 years during my high school so German pronunciations are little bit easy for me.

I feel that if we read something we catch many words with its correct spelling and grammar.

So as a beginner I read some children’s books and get to know about few newer words.

For speaking any language proper hearing of that language is equally important. So whenever I travel in S-bahn or bus, I listen carefully to other people’s conversation… especially school going children’s conversation in between them. This is little bit funny but I do so…and am happy that I understand it up to 80 Percent!

My son goes to German kindergarten so he speaks and understands German well. So whenever he sees cartoons, along with him I also see it and the advertisements which come in between I listen  them carefully and practice my hearing part.

If I don’t understand any word then I ask my son and he tells me the meaning. So I’ve got a little teacher at home too!

Now the important motive of my German learning is to speak German.. so here in Germany it is a good platform to practice my German speaking. So whenever I step out of home I try my level best to communicate in German.

May it be restaurant, bakery, and supermarket or with the bus drivers or old people I speak only in German. Best part is, people understand whatever I speak and always guide me properly when I need help.

This gives me immense encouragement and I study more and more with boost!
