1: Hello Everyone!

My name is Emily Pichardo Wojtyna. I’m 18 and I come from the state of Indiana in the U.S.. I have been living here in Munich as an Au Pair for about four months now!

Yesterday I went to Oktoberfest and managed to get into the Schottenhamel tent at night, it was a great time of dancing and socializing! Oktoberfest is a very diverse mix of different cultures and people. I met someone from France who is studying in Amsterdam, someone from New York studying in Prague, and the list goes on and on! My friends and I also tried the Teufelsrad which translates to Devil’s Wheel… definitely recommend it! One of the best experiences I have had so far at Oktoberfest. But I also think this it is better at night after everyone has had a bit to drink, then it is really hilarious.


Today I visited the Chineschische Turm in the English Garden, also a great place to relax and socialize. In one week I will start my German class at the DeutschAkademie and I can’t wait! Well, that’s all for now.



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