Es ist noch kein Meister vom Himmel gefallen

This german proverb is the crux of learning german and speaking it like a pro. It literally means that there are no “born“ experts (the closest proverb to this one in English is, Practise makes a man perfect).

A2.2 level is just one step less from B1. B1 level is what you need to get a job and your employer expects you to have good German language skills if, on your CV, you are claiming to have attended classes till B1. So take A2.2 very serious.

So, you need to put in a lot of effort, and you have to know commonly used verbs, and nouns (with articles). Last but not the least, you’d need to make friends with no common language other than German so you are forced to communicate in German.

I have a class fellow who speaks only her mother tongue and no English or Urdu whatsoever (not even little bit of English) and when we go out together to buy lunch, we speak more German on those 15 mins than the whole day.

So Practise! Practise! Practise!

Afterall teachers can’t open your head to put things inside (although trust me teachers here would try doing this if it’s in their power).

Check me and friends practising grammar.
