Author Archives: Maiara Sabioni Yamin Quadros

Studying at DeutschAkademie

The German course in DeutschAkademie is intense and robust, the classes are well organized and structured, the teachers are attentive, didactic and nice, and the materials used in class effectively reinforce all the lessons. These are some of the reasons I like studying at DeutschAkademie so much. If you keep reading this post you’ll understand my point of view. Then, you can say if you agree or not with me – deal?

So let’s take today’s class to exemplify. 

Right on time, the teacher starts the class and before jumping into the homework, she kindly ask us how was the weekend to break the ice and to give us the opportunity to practice speaking. Important to note that we only speak German in class, no English! 

Then, we reviewed the homework and clarified doubts. In sequence, we started the lesson by discussing about the image at the book and learning new vocabulary. So, we did some exercises (listening, writing, reading and speaking) individually, in pairs and all together with the teacher. This is a moment of the class that I think it is the most enriching, because not only I learn the language, but also I learn about culture (of the country, of the region, etc.). For example, in Bayern they don’t say “Brötchen”, but “Semmel”. So basically the topic about Bavarian traditions and customs is so interesting that really deserves a separate post – keep following the Blog!

Here I also highlight the fact that there are many different nationalities in my class, and this interaction enables us to develop new perspectives and personal growth. It is wonderful to be in an environment like this one :)

Moreover, today we learned more about Adjektivdeklination. It is not an easy topic, but the teacher can explain in a way that sounds much simpler. To illustrate, please take a look at the picture!

Finally, the class ended with homework for tomorrow. The learning journey continues… bis später! 


New language motivation

I am starting the post today with two relevant trends that you may have already noticed: first, English is quickly becoming the world’s universal language, and second, instant translation technology improves year after year. Therefore, why learning a new language?

Over the weekend, I was watching some videos about learning a foreign language and discovered some interesting facts. If you are seeking motivation to learn German or haven’t deeply thought about why learning it, you really should continue reading this post, because I am about to share some interesting thoughts here with you.   

Deep effects of people speaking different language reveals how ingenious our brain is. Then, let’s take German and Spanish to illustrate. The word “bridge” in German is feminine and in Spanish is masculine. In this sense, if you ask German speakers to describe a bridge, they tend to use more feminine words like “beautiful” or “elegant”. On the other hand, if you ask Spanish speakers the same, they would say more masculine words like “strong” or “construction”. Following the same rationale. language differs also when describing events. That’s because of how you transmit complicated thoughts and knowledge into words. In this sense, learning a new language can shape the way we think! Isn’t it amazing?

Under the circumstances, learning a new language enables you to have a broader understanding of everything as well as think in a clearer way to explain your thoughts.

To conclude, I am happy to learn German (specifically) and can actually observe the impact of it in my life. In DeutschAkademie, not only I learn German but the classes enable developing new perspectives and personal growth. If you want to know HOW, stay tuned for tomorrow’s post!


A Munich sight and attraction

My favorite spot in Munich was launched in 1972 and is located in the Oberwiesenfeld neighborhood. It is 3 sq km large and hosts sports, cultural and social events. Any thoughts on what is it? 

Here is more information: it was built where the Bayern army used to be until 1925 when it became part of Munich’s airport. After the World War II, the rubble was moved there and used to form the hills of the landscape. Today, you can find there an ice rink, an indoor pool, a residential district and student residences. Also, there is the Olympic Stadium and the Olympiaturm!

So, the Olympiapark is my favorite spot in Munich – but why? 

I begin by saying that I like the landscape. It is a one of a kind park, because not only it is beautiful, but it is also blended in with the city. I mean, besides all the green area and the lake, where else is there a futuristic tent-like roof construction that covers a stadium, a pool and a hall? Indeed, it is unique!

Also, there you can have an overview of the city. One way is walking to the top of the Olympiaberg, a hill with 60 meter high. The other way is taking the elevator at the Olympiaturm (the 290 meter television tower) until about 189 – 192 meter high. Moreover, I love running at Olympiapark at the mornings. It is such an inspiring scenario to exercise! 

To get to Olympiapark you can take the U-Bahn to Olympiazentrum (U3), it is definitely worthwhile visiting! For more information about events, sport & leisure, tours & sightseeing and so on, please access 

Munich is a great city and even though Olympiapark is my favorite site, there are several other wonderful places to visit. Stay tuned for more!



Why Deutsch?

I’d like to begin today’s post with a thought: it is never too late to learn. I am very curious and love learning about everything! In my case, I decided to learn German. It could be a New Year’s resolution or a thing in my bucket list, but actually for me it was a combination of need and want.

Need because I am living in Munich. I think it is important to my integration here. In other words, being able to communicate and acquiring a range of skills that can improve my life’s quality in both personal and professional environments. 

Want because German is relevant. It is the 3rd most widely language taught worldwide and it remains as the language with the most native speakers in Europe. Moreover, I want to be able to say the longest word “Donaudampfschifffahrtselektrizitätenhauptbetriebswerkbauunterbeamtengesellschaft” (just for fun!).

In this sense, I have enrolled for the German course in DeutschAkademie. I found out about the school through an advertisement in the U-Bahn, so I looked up for more information on the website and social media. Two main things made me choose DeutschAkademie:

1) The course is intense and focused, which is perfect for me to learn quick and with excellence;

2) Good reviews, as per general comments in social media. Besides, the course is in small groups, the teachers are great and the school is very neat and supportive to offer a unique experience to the students.

If you would like to learn a new language and/or if you are undecided on rather taking German classes or not, I strongly recommend you to start as soon as possible! 


First course day

Today I arrived earlier at the school to buy the books, then headed to the classroom. I was very excited to the first course day as I wanted to meet my classmates, the teacher and find out what was the lesson. Here are some highlights:

  • The teacher purposed an ice breaker activity to integrate all the students. It was interesting and fun!
  • There are people from 8 different nationalities. I find this an amazing fact because it is enriching to be in a multicultural environment, where you have the opportunity to learn more about each one’s tradition and habits
  • The lesson was about “Berufe und Familie”. Also, we learned deepen about “Possessivartikel”

One interesting fact is that we are having classes with two different teachers! I find this very positive and I am excited to meet the other teacher soon!

Bis morgen,


Sao Paulo – Munich

Hello, Folks!

My name is Maiara. I am Brazilian and I’ve been living in Munich for just a little more than a month.

I come from Sao Paulo, the largest city in Brazil and the 11th worldwide. I have a bachelor degree in Business Administration and was working in an international company when decided to leave my home country. The fact that my husband has received a job offer in Munich encouraged us to explore a new life abroad and find out how is living in the capital of Bavaria. So far, it’s been great to live here!

At my free time I like going to the parks and walking around the city. In this sense, I can notice the similarities and differences between Sao Paulo and Munich. For example, both cities are multicultural, concentrate a great number of art galleries, museums, theaters and entertainment. However, the weather temperature in Sao Paulo is warmer than in Munich. Moreover, in terms of mobility, the fact that Munich is flatter than Sao Paulo allows much more people riding bicycles all over the city.

Currently I am studying German, because I think it is important for my cultural integration and also learning another language is fun :)

As soon as I arrived in Munich, I have enrolled for classes in DeutschAkademie. It’s been a great experience and, as of now, I’ll share my stories with you in this Blog.
