New language motivation

I am starting the post today with two relevant trends that you may have already noticed: first, English is quickly becoming the world’s universal language, and second, instant translation technology improves year after year. Therefore, why learning a new language?

Over the weekend, I was watching some videos about learning a foreign language and discovered some interesting facts. If you are seeking motivation to learn German or haven’t deeply thought about why learning it, you really should continue reading this post, because I am about to share some interesting thoughts here with you.   

Deep effects of people speaking different language reveals how ingenious our brain is. Then, let’s take German and Spanish to illustrate. The word “bridge” in German is feminine and in Spanish is masculine. In this sense, if you ask German speakers to describe a bridge, they tend to use more feminine words like “beautiful” or “elegant”. On the other hand, if you ask Spanish speakers the same, they would say more masculine words like “strong” or “construction”. Following the same rationale. language differs also when describing events. That’s because of how you transmit complicated thoughts and knowledge into words. In this sense, learning a new language can shape the way we think! Isn’t it amazing?

Under the circumstances, learning a new language enables you to have a broader understanding of everything as well as think in a clearer way to explain your thoughts.

To conclude, I am happy to learn German (specifically) and can actually observe the impact of it in my life. In DeutschAkademie, not only I learn German but the classes enable developing new perspectives and personal growth. If you want to know HOW, stay tuned for tomorrow’s post!
