Author Archives: Kirstin

My leisure time

Mostly, I am an active person. I like many sports like swimming, ice skating, occasionally I do yoga. I can’t wait for next month when I will be in a later class and I will be able to do yoga every morning. Here in Munich, when I have free time- I like relaxing at Therme Erding, since there you could not only swim, but just relax in different tubs and pools. Furthermore, I go often ice skating at Olimpia center. Other activities in my free time include riding a bike or just walking in the sun. I love to watch movies, so occasionally I go to see movies in German, which is also a good exercise for my listening skills. I can’t say that I understand quite a lot, but for the most part I get what is going on, of course with little help and translation from friends.

My colleages

My colleages are actually really nice people, or at least they seem that way. I have mentioned it earlier, but I will present them again. The group is really diverse- there is a Brazilian girl who is really nice, she talks a lot and laughs a lot and it’s nice to have people like that. There is a French girl – who is really keen to learn, she is always prepared and is also really really nice. There is a shy Spanish girl who is looking after children- and she also seems really kind. We have an English woman in our group- she used to work for NATO so that is pretty cool. There is an Australian guy, who also seems to be really enthusiastic about learning the language, and is also really friendly. There is a really friendly girl from Ecuador, an Italian guy who always cracks me up, he is really funny and is not even trying to be. We have a girl from Vietnam and a guy from Spain who are both really shy, can’t really say anything about them, but overall as I said my group is full of nice people.

Some of my experiences in the …S-bahn

Great, now I am improving with the language, soon I will start writing my blog in German. Or at least I will try. Here I wouldn’t talk about what a great city Munich is, but rather about my luck of being late the last couple of days for class. Every day, there is some kind of problem with the transport. Or at least my transport, everyone else seems to be at class. Either there is a fire at a station, or for some unknown reason the S-bahn I am travelling with is always delayed and ends at Munich Hauptbahnof . So I have to walk all the way to Stachus. Not that I am complaining but it would be nice to get to class on time :) At least there is something to do- read or study German for instance…

Why I learn German

I learn German because I hope I will  study in a University here. I chose Munich, because my boyfriend is here. When I was searching for a school , where I could learn German I came across many, but what made me choose Deutsch Akademie was the profesionalism which we came across when we visited the office. So I told myself I would try it for a month and see where it takes me and how helpful it is. And it really is helpful, we learn a ton of new words, grammar and my teacher really knows how to make it interesting. We play games at class, we speak a lot and what really is helpful is that we focus on everything- speaking, writing, grammar, and listening exercises as well. So little by little I find myself improving.

My first day

My first day was last month- February. Right now I am doing A1 (2). It was and interesting experience because the people in my class were all very nice. There was a Brazilian girl, a girl from Vietnam, a guy from Algeria, a married couple from the United Emirates,  2 from Spain, an Italian guy and me and this other girl from Bulgaria. So as you could see: we were quite an international group.  Some of these students continued and are now in my second month’s class. This other class is also very international-there are two students from Spain, the Vietnamese girl, a French girl, a girl from Ecuador, one from Brazil, the Italian guy from last month’s course, a student from England, one from Australia and me. The teacher is really nice and one could tell that she teaches with great pleasure which makes learning a great pleasure also. I am happy I met so many people from all over the world.

Deutsch Kurs

this is me

Hallo alles! Ich bin sehr neu hier. Ich heiße Kristin und komme aus Bulgarien. Ich bin in Deutschland seit fast 2 Monate. Jetzt bin ich in A1 (2) Ich mag die Deutsche sprache, aber sie ist sehr schwerig. Trotzdem ist sie sehr logisch.  Jetzt wohne ich in München. Ich kenne nicht die Stadt so gut, aber sie gefällt mir. Sie ist sehr schön.  Ich möchte gern in Deutschland studeiren und arbeiten. Ich habe keine Arbeit, denn ich lerne jetzt die Sprache. Ich habe in London gewohnt, aber ich mag die nicht. Es gibt viel Dreck und es gibt zu viele Leute.  Aber ich meine wirklich zu viele. In London gibt es gegen 20 million Personen.  Ich mag lieber München, weil die sehr sauber und ruhig ist. Ich mag lachen und neue Leute kennenlernen. Hier treffe ich viele interessante Personen. Sie sind witzig, glücklich und zufrieden. Ich liebe Tiere, weil sie lustig sind.  Meine Hobbys sind Gedichte schreiben, lesen, tanzen und Musik hören.