A valuable tool: DeutscheAkademie

Learning a new language is hard and time-consuming. I believe that you can be successful only if you have a strong motivation that keeps you awake and willing to absorb everything from the new-language environment.

Since I started 3 months ago, I found at DeutscheAkademie a relaxed atmosphere and a sehr gut learning environment. Very important feature in my opinion is the small dimension of the classes: maximum 10 Studenten, is the perfect number, since everyone is taken care of and involved actively in the activities.

I chose DeutscheAkademie after a quite long and painful search for the perfect school… if you are willing to learn German and have a very strong motivation (but lazy to find a Bavarian girlfriend ^_^) DeutscheAkademie is a great tool!

more info: http://www.deutschakademie.de/munich-german-course/
