As an American…

So I have just realized that I have been speaking German with a major flaw for the past few months, and that has been just fixed this past week, thank goodness! In English, it is normal to say “with that” “on that” or “to that” etc. However, in German, man darfst das nicht sagen! In German, instead of saying “…with that,…” one must say, “damit,” not the “mit das” I have been usually saying! So coming from the English language, it is hard because I realize I cannot just literally translate everything. And I must adapt my thinking to the “damit, dazu, daran, darüber, etc.” instead of “mit das, zu das, an das, etc…”! I just cannot believe I have been saying that for so long and have not realized that was not correct! But that is why I have a German teacher and am in classes for the week!!flags_globe.png