Any FC – Bayern fans?

I was not much of a football fan till I came to live in Germany. I think many people have similar feelings.
But watching a match along with thousands of fans, seeing the energy and hearing the cheers you kind-of give in and want to be a part of the fun too.

I went to the match between FC-Bayern and Manchester United in August at Alliance Arena. The place itself, which is deserted generally seems like it comes to life when there’s a match!

I actually found myself rooting for FC-Bayern halfway to the game and losing myself in the moment. And, we won!

However, the best part for me wasn’t over. By the time we reached the S-Bahn, there were so many people there that the lines extended till entrance of the station. Though there was so many people in a small place, there wasn’t any pushing or shoving. People, including kids respected other people’s space.
I was very much impressed with Müncheners, both during and after the match!