Daily Archives: 10. März 2016

How to practice german online?

Hello zusammen,

Tell me, how much time do you spend online? One, two or even three hours every day? We all live in our modern world. We get information from Internet from official news to social networks. There are different types of leaners, some of them better understand than they write, other than they read or listen. So the way you learn language can be different and you have to find your own way.

There are a lot of online resources for language learning: websites, apps for phones and tablets. I have been learning foreign languages from my childhood, and i am sure that since all this opportunities have appeared our life easier and better became. In german language you can find a lot of difficult and strange things in grammar. I use different apps every day, which help me. For example, german articles fro me is not so clean as i wish them to be and i use application for articles. There are o lot of week and strong verb in german and very often you will not meet any logic in their conjugation. Germans are very precise to their language, so if you want look good – be correct when you are talking german.

Deutsch Akademie offers everybody free online german course and free online audio course. And thank you for it. I can practise new grammar and vocabulary. And it really helps! For example you are on your way to the school and you are bored in the U-Bahn. What to do? You always have a choice to check your facebook or open your language application. Time will pasts fast and you will improve your language, maybe you think that it is just two or three tasks to find a right word or to build correct sentence. But remember that every minute that you learn language takes you closer and closer to your aim, whatever it is A2 or B1 or C2. You always can find something that suits to your level and interesting for you.

P.S. if you don’t know which application to use or with whom practise your german – write in comments.

P.P.S. 90% of my group use online apps every day!

Bis morgen!