Monthly Archives: März 2016

Fotos vom 2. Stammtisch im März

Liebe Teilnehmer,

es war wieder ein sehr lustiger und unterhaltsamer Stammtisch mit euch gestern Abend im Café Berio. Wir freuen uns schon auf den nächsten Stammtisch mit euch allen!
Vielen Dank an alle die vorbeigekommen sind!

Euer DeutschAkademie Team

To do additional A2.3/B1.3 course or not to do?

Hello zusammen!
The B1 level is a grammar level, and you have to understand and remember a lot of new grammatical constructions. Your language will become more various and alive. Und es freut mich sehr. Now I am at the B1.1 level and it is only a half of all B1 grammar. So now I know about:
sowohl..als auch
Adjektive als Nomen
Indirekte Fragen
Temporale Nebensätze mit wenn und als
Futur I
Konjunktion falls
Konjunktionen obwohl, trozdem
and etc.
It is not the only difficulty at the B1.1 level, there are a lot of new words and they are not so easy as Tisch or Stuhl. At this level, you start to create your own professional vocabulary. You will be capable of talking about some work moments and it’s very useful because at B1 a lot of students start working. Some important words for work:
Vollzeit – Teilzeit
brutto – netto
Grußformel und Unterschrift
IMG_5551Our teacher advises us to buy one grammar book and it is really helpful. There are a lot of pictures with explanations and grammar rules and at the same pages, you could find exercises. At this time, you should spend a lot of time at your homework. At intensive courses every day you have a new unit and a new grammar structure, so you don’t have a lot of time to repeat and practice because you have to go forward.
And that’s why I decided to do the B1.3 course before B2. I think it will be a necessary break for me and I could repeat everything and prepare myself to the next level.
If you feel that this tempo is too fast for you and you need a break, there are two variants: to make a real break or to do an additional course. You should every month analyse the situation and face it because it makes no sense to be at C1 or B2.2 level and make mistakes in articles or cases. The A2 and B1 levels are as a foundation of a house, if it is not strong enough, your house will be ruined.

Good luck!

Fotos vom Kulturprogramm im März

Liebe Teilnehmer,

Am letzten Freitag haben wir bei unserem monatlichen Kulturprogramm das Deutsche Technikmuseum besucht. Die Führung unter dem Thema „Das Netz“ hat uns gezeigt, wie wir auf der Welt miteinander vernetzt sind. Vernetzt sind wir nicht nur über die modernen Medien wie Facebook, Instagram oder über das Smartphone. Auch schon zur Zeit der Pferdekutschen und Oldtimer waren Städte und Menschen z.B. über das Verkehrsnetz miteinander verbunden. Auch Freundschaften vernetzen und sind ein wichtiger Bestandteil in unserem Leben.

Denken wir mal ein paar Jahre zurück, hättet ihr vor 10 oder 20 Jahren geglaubt, dass die technischen Netze uns in so vielen Lebensbereichen beeinflussen werden? So hat man 1960 das Telefon zur Kontaktaufnahme in einer Tanzbar genutzt oder musste zum Telefonieren zu einer Telefonzelle laufen. Heute nehmen wir das Handy in die Hand und können überall und zu jeder Zeit telefonieren, texten oder bloggen. Auch im Alltag und in vielen Berufen sind der Computer und die E-Mails nicht mehr wegzudenken. Möglich macht dies das gut ausgebaute Netzwerk von Telefon- und Sendemasten, welche für die Datenübermittlung zuständig sind. Auch beim Shopping oder in der Musikwelt werden Daten und Informationen übermittelt und sollen eine Botschaft weitergeben.

Auch wir an der DeutschAkademie tragen zur Vernetzung bei. Schülerinnen und Schüler aus der ganzen Welt lernen bei uns und mit uns. Es entstehen Freundschaften, und wir lernen eine gemeinsame Sprache welche wir täglich nutzen um uns im Supermarkt, im Restaurant oder mit unseren Freunden verständigen zu können.

Wenn ihr ein Teil dieses Netzes sein möchtet, dann folgt uns auf Facebook oder unserem Blog unter
Viel Spaß mit den Fotos vom Museumsbesuch!

Euer DeutschAkademie-Team


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2. Stammtisch im März

Liebe Teilnehmer,

habt ihr Lust auf nette Gesellschaft, gute Unterhaltung, ein spannendes Quiz sowie leckeres Essen und Getränke? Dann kommt am Mittwoch, den 23. März vorbei! Vor dem langen Oster-Wochenende treffen wir uns zu unserem Stammtisch in der 3. Kurswoche. Diesmal wieder um 20 Uhr im Café Berio am Nollendorfplatz! Wir freuen uns auf einen lustigen Abend mit euch!

Euer DeutschAkademie Team


Where to go with children? (Куда можно сходить в детьми и не только с детьми) :)

IMG_5547 Some of my classmates have children and they ask each other where to go or what to do? Of course you can say: “Google will help you”, but not everyone can find necessary information in german in the internet. So i decided to share my experience.


1. Deutsches Technikmuseum (Музей Техники в Берлине) U-Bahn Gleisdreieck, Trebbiner Straße 9, 10963 Berlin-Kreuzberg.

Tip: Tickets are valid for same-day visits to the German Museum of Technology, the road traffic division „Man on the move“ and a new exhibition „The Network“ (from 9. September 2015) in the Ladestrasse area and the Science Center Spectrum.IMG_5546


Dienstag bis Freitag:  9.00 – 17.30 Uhr

Samstag / Sonntag: 10.00 – 18.00 Uhr

Montag: geschlossen

2. Legoland am Potsdamer Platz (Леголанд на Потсдамской площади). Potsdamer Straße 4, 10785 Berlin. There is a real 4D cinema and you could experience gusts of wind, rain, lightning and even snow.

Tip: LEGOLAND + SEA LIFE Berlin – 26 Euro instead of 36,45 Euro. And buy your tickets online you will save money and time.

3. Naturkundemuseum (музей Естествознания) Invalidenstraße 43, 10115 Berlin.


Di – Fr: 09.30 – 18.00 Uhr

Sa, So, & Feiertage: 10.00 – 18.00 Uhr

Mo: geschlossen

Tip: Kinder (bis 6 Jahre): frei. You can buy tickets online.

4. AquaDom (Берлинский аквадом) Spandauer Straße 3, 10178 Berlin.


Täglich: 10:00 -19:00 Uhr

Einlass bis 18:00 Uhr

Tip: Buy tickets online!

ab 10,70 Euro pro Erwachsener (statt 17,95 € Kassenpreis),

ab 8,70 Euro pro Kind (statt 14,50 € Kassenpreis)

Kinder unter 3 Jahren haben kostenfreien Eintritt.

5. Zoologischer Garten (Берлинский Зоопарк) Hardenbergplatz 8, 10787 Berlin.

Tip: if to buy Zoo+Aquarium you could save 9 Euro.

                                                                    ZOO           ZOO & AQUARIUM

Erwachsene                                               14,50 €           20,00 €

Kinder (4 bis einschließlich 15 Jahre)         7,50 €           10,00 €

IMG_55486. Ritter Sport (магазин шоколада Ritter Sport) Französische Straße 24. You can create you own chocolate by adding different ingredients. There is a special ChocoWorkshop which you can book for some occasions like birthday or first school day!

And everywhere you can practice your german. New life situations – new opportunities for learning!

Konversationsklub or how to start talking?

IMG_5510First time I understood that I must start speaking at the A2.1 level, but my vocabulary was so poor that it was very very difficult to build even simple everyday sentences. We all know: my name is…, I live there…, I want smth… and so on, but unfortunately, we are not 3 years old babies! And in everyday life, we often use conditional clauses (if, when etc). At the A2.1 I was really far from the necessary grammar, and I was like a dog which can listen and understand all, but can say nothing. This period was very frustrating and I felt like it would last forever and I would never be able to communicate in german.

But miracles happen! and after two months I started to talk. Not all of us have german friends or someone from the family, who can be enough patient to sit and listen to us. My husband is german, but if you think that I talk german at home – you are wrong. I found one solution for this problem: Konversationsklub. Unfortunately, I decided to try it only when I was at the B1.1 and I feel sorry that I have not done it earlier.

IMG_5514 Of course, if you come somewhere from US or Europe or Asia, it is easier to find friends with the same language as you. We are all adults with education and self-esteem, so we will not catch germans on the streets and try to talk with them. :)

„Speaking“ is our common problem at the middle level, so let’s solve it together. My first lesson at Konversationsklub was full of fun, we explained each other how will be “Guten Tag” in our mother languages. We played different games and at the end we tried to reorder parts of one story, read it and explained. The most important that you have to talk there and you don’t have a choice, there is no opportunity to stay silent and it is cool. I advise it for all who have problems with speaking – ask in the office about these lessons and as sooner you start as better it will be for you.


If you are visiting Berlin, I would suggest you to pick a day and visit Potsdam. It is in zone C of Berlin and you can easily take the S-Bahn to reach the place. It is a very beautiful, peaceful and historic area with a lot of stories and heritage. You can go on a free tour with a guide who tells you a lot of interesting historical facts. The area has a small center with a shopping street filled with shops and cafes. There is a huge park with a nice lake, which is a great place for pick nick, or running. On the picture you can see the summer palace, which is not that attractive during the winter, since the garden is empty. But as far as I heard during the summer everything is green and beautiful.

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Fleamarket Tiergarten

If you are looking for beautiful and old objects, you should visit the antique market next to Tiergarten. It is a pretty big market with a huge variety of old goodies: plates, furniture, toys, CDs, accessories etc. You can find pretty much everything. My favorite was a gorgeous telephone. It looked like the ones that you normally see in movies that play during the war times. Unfortunately, the battery of my phone died when I wanted to take a picture, so I could not capture it. But I attached an image from Google maps, so you can find it easily :) The address is Str. des 17. Juni 110 – 114, 10589 Berlin.

Charlottenburg Palace

I am a lucky one to live very close to the beautiful Charlottenburg Schloss. This palace is the biggest palace in Berlin, and located in Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf. It was built in the 17t century for Sophie Charlotte, the wife of Friedrich III. During the Second World War it was badly damaged, but they managed to recover its old state. Currently there are some constructions happening on the outside. During the Christmas period there is an amazing Christmas market in front of the palace. It is pretty big and very traditional. This is a very nice palace to visit, if you are in Berlin.

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Bakery tip

Looking for a nice place to have breakfast, brunch or just simply some sweet to take away? You can have it all in Thoben :)  It is a bakery chain here in Berlin and its surroundings. It is very cheap and yummy. You have a great selection of pastries, sandwiches, bread etc. I just have one around the corner from my house, and well I am a regular customer there :) Probably, I should get a loyalty card haha Today I took the delicious Käsekuchen and an Apple cake. Guten Appetit!