Staatsoper für alle


There are free musical events going on in front of the Staatsoper unter den linden (Bebelplatz) on 29th and 30th of August. I went to „tristan und isode“ that is an opera written by Richard Wagner. There were already lots of people gathered in Bebelplatz one hour before the opera started. Some people prepared wine and sandwiches for a beautiful summer night with music. There were also stands selling bier, sausage and it is like a musical festival in the center of unter den linden.

We can barely see the full screen because some people were standing or sitting on a chair and we sat on the ground. We can not see the subtitles hence we do not really know how the story is going on. The music was really nice but the weather was bad. It rained heavier and heavier so we decided to leave earlier.  It is a pity that the weather was not nice, otherwise we could have finished this opera with an open and nice atomosphere!