Sechs: Frühstück

Hallo Leute!

Heute möchte ich etwas über Essen sagen. Eigentlich möchte ich immer über Essen sprechen, aber heute werde ich nur über Frühstück sprechen. Ich liebe Frühstück. Alle Frühstücke! Von Amerikanischen Pancakes und Waffeln bis Deutschen Backwaren. Ich denke dass Frühstück mein Lieblingsessen des Tages ist.
If I am being completely honest though, Deutsches Frühstück is very different from American breakfast, in more ways than one.

I think first and foremost, the biggest difference, is the popularity of breakfast. Now that might sound a little strange so bare with me. Here in Germany, or at least in Berlin, breakfast foods tend to be quite small and common. Breakfast is just another meal of the day and is not any more special than say perhaps, a snack. One can often see people eating a pastry on the S-Bahn or even just a piece of fruit for breakfast. Breakfast is not eventful, just a necessity. Whereas in the U.S., breakfasts tend to huge meals (well every meal tends to be a huge meal actually) to get you through the day since lunch breaks are often quite late. For a busy working person a breakfast might consist of only a cup of coffee and an apple, but if one were to really sit down and eat breakfast at home, or even a restaurant (YES there are restaurants that solely serve breakfast foods), the meal would consist of at least three different dishes. Some common and popular breakfast dishes include, but are not limited to: eggs and toast, coffee, pancakes and waffles (yes both), french toast, juice, and a bowl of fruit. And this can all be served to one person. It’s both formidable and a bit incredible.

Another difference is the type of food! Traditional American breakfasts tend to be very heavy and filling, making you feel ten pounds heavier by the time you’re done eating. On the other hand, German breakfast consists of a bunch of light foods, filling you up slowly and healthily. A typical German breakfast might consist of Brot und Butter, Käse, Marmalade, Joghurt, Obst, und vielleicht Müsli. You can notice the common use of milk products in German breakfast as opposed to the heavy inclusion of starchy products in American ones.

The last difference is a small, but important one! Eggs! If you don’t know what I am talking about, ask a typical Deutsche person how they like their eggs and then ask an American. Trust me, you will notice a difference lol !

No matter what kind of breakfast it is, I love them all. Actually writing this entry has made me really want some breakfast food so I have to go! Until then, bis bald!

Mine and my friends‘ quite tasty (although unhealthy) pastry breakfast the other day!

-Milan :-)