~ Der Sechszehnte: Auf Wiedersehen ~

Hallo zusammen!

So heute war der letze Tag von A 2.1. Ich fühle mich traurig weil, im März ich leider zum anderem Deutsch Akademie Platz gehen muss. ( Ach! I honestly hope that was all correct. Probably not! But that’s ok, I’m still learning.) I will no longer be going to Wittenbergplatz for the months of März and April. I will be back in Mai! :-) Honestly, this has been such a great month for me and I have to say that I am sooooooo happy and satisfied with the results. Finally I have found a Sprachschule that I actually enjoy and I’m so glad I found it online that one day in Amerika. In my class not only have I learned so much, but I’ve also made connections with people. i have become friends with people I thought I would never talk to. I have enjoyed having my instructor and am so disappointed that I have to switch locations. But a „girls gotta do what a girls gotta do“. And also, thats ok because I’m sure I will love the Alexanderplatz location just as much as I love the Wittenbergplatz one.

Luckily for you (haha just kidding) i am not able to continue writing this Wittenbergplatz blog for you all so, but at least I will write for the Alexanderplatz Blog. That will provide some consistency for me. lol Well, it has been so great writing for you and I hope to do it again in Mai. Class starts again on Monday so until then, bis bald!

This view might not look like much, but it was the view I enjoyed everyday for the past few weeks. I will miss it.

P.S. Pretty soon my Alexanderplatz Blog is about to get a little more exciting as I will be travelling quite a bit in the next two months wooh !! If you want to read any of it, visit the Alexanderplatz Blog as well!
-your friend Milan♥︎