~ Der Vierte: Meine Klasse ~

Hallo zusammen!

It is I! Wittenbergplatz Blogger extraordinaire. So, today is the three week anniversary of my being in Berlin. It was also the last day of the second week of my Deutsch course at Deutsch Akademie. Since I am now exactly halfway through the course, I decided to finally write about my Course class.

So my class is comprised of 11 people, including myself, from many different parts of the world. Incredibly, I have a classmate from Russia, one from Egypt, one from Turkey, and even one from Ethiopia! All of us are from different age brackets, which is great! There is so more diversity in such a small group. Going into the class, I was very nervous, as I had taken German classes in America before and didn’t have a great experience. My nerves quickly faded away though as the class started. My instructor is so amiable ( she makes us laugh every class) and she really made everyone feel comfortable right away. She even learned all our names on the first day (and we all have some pretty unique ones)! She started us off with a quick introduction activity so we can get to know our acquaintances a little better.

Every day we start off with a review of the lessons from the day before, and then we start of with a string of informative and entertaining lessons. Every few lessons, we do a fun little game such as Word Dominoes or Hangman so that we are not always doing serious work. My instructor’s teaching style is really great and the amount of information I have not only seen, but actually learned is incredible for such a short amount of time.

Quick snap of what was on the board today. Featuring two classmates‘ heads and my great instructor!

As the days passed, I began liking the class more and more and now, I even love it! The three hours pass by super quickly and by the time 18:00 rolls around, I feel as if I had only been in the class a little while! Hopefully you all love your classes as much as I do! Bis bald.


– Milan ★