My German class at Deutsch Akademie

Introducing my class!

German class 1 German-class 2 German class 3

Today we were working on directions and prepositions (over, under, beside, etc.). It was challenging, we had to give directions to our Partners based on little maps in our textbooks. Turns out, giving directions is hard When You’re so trying to speak German Correctly! The German Words Took up all the room in my brain, so things like ‚left‘ and ‚right‘ were pushed out.

While today was fun, it got even better later on in the evening When I actually got lost. I was Trying to find the swimming pool entrance and I stopped some German kids. I was so proud of myself, I had my question all planned out, and I would for once be able to understand Their directions. So I went and asked them – excuse me, where is the swimming pool?

And They answered in English.

Trying to learn German in Berlin has its very own set of challenges – like everyone speaking English. But, next time I get lost I want to know how to Correctly Ask for Directions!