
Super Bowl Sunday is a religion in the US, or at least my husband tells me so. Super Bowl Sunday is when the American Football championship takes place. They crown the winner “World Champion”. I find this ironic as they only play football (American-style) in the US. However, as my husband is a fan I make an effort to get excited each year while watching the game.

While American Football has not quite caught on in Germany it is worth checking out at least one game a year. And if you are going to watch one game make it the Super Bowl (Feb 6th at 24:00). There are a few bars in Berlin that show American Football. My husband likes Belushi’s, near the U-Bahn Rosa Luxenbourg (per my last post you should definitely read a little about her struggle and untimely murder). While you may not get to practice your German you will definitely have a cultural experience.

This year the Pittsburgh Steelers are playing the Green Bay Packers. They are two of the oldest teams in the league. While the atmosphere will not be like Olympic Park during the Deutschland-England acht-final…it should still be fun.