From B1 to B2

Two more days and I am finished with one more level at Deutsch Akademie.  It seems to me that B1 level is the transitioning one between beginner to higher intermediate. B1/1-B1/2 is also challenging because there are more expectations from you as a student to speak during the class. At this point you already know a vast number of words and grammar to be able to express thoughts and ideas somewhat clearly.

Participation is essential especially if class time is the only time you can practice speaking German. There are always students who are more active, sometimes even overbearing, and they intimidate you because they can speak more fluently. But it only takes little courage to „throw yourself into the conversation“ and begin talking. Personally, that’s what I do.

I am excited to start B2 and I look forward to learning more and showing better participation. I might even start blogging in German! (and I would expect supportive comments and less judgment:)