Daily Archives: 25. Januar 2011

The Selfish French Fries

Today, was one of these days that I would rather send quickly to oblivion… Bad mood and wrong timing in many aspects…That today’s societies are characterized from increased selfishness and a general lack of respect towards human values is not something new. Unfortunately, these things are becoming more and more evident even in microenvironments such as that of a neighborhood, a classroom etc. I don’t want to criticize anything or anyone in particular because I feel this is unfair and ultimately useless. I would rather like to express my disappointment.

On the other hand, since I don’t want to sound pessimistic, I would also like to add that I see more and more people expressing actively their dislike for specific behaviors and phenomena. That’s definitely encouraging. The more we get involved, the more we can make a difference!

Out of Shape?!

There is a good expression:  „It takes three months to get in shape, but it takes three days to get out of shape“. This time it does not imply a physical shape, even though, it’s also very actual for post-holidays.  I refer this expression to my knowledge of German.  After four months of intensive courses my brain was finally picking up and absorbing new information rather quickly. I was feeling relatively confident speaking in German in front of the whole class, presenting referats and partaking in discussions. Three weeks of holidays totally got me out of ’shape‘. There were probably too many Schweinshaxes, bratwursts and beers in my diet those days. But what’s the point of holidays if you are not going to eat and drink!

I am back in the classroom. It’s been a bit overwhelming since I am also trying to catch up with old assignments. My brain is still stiff and it’s not as flexible as I would like it be now. But I know it takes time. I try to throw in a few more comments than I would normally do when I stop to buy bread on the way home. Instead of „Ein rundes Brot, bitte“, I try to say „Ich mochte gern ein rundes grosses Brot, bitte“. The lady usually smiles at me. She can tell I am practicing as I say „Ich mag dieses Brot und ich weiss nich was ich ohne es tun, wenn ich gehe zuruck in mein Land“….Darn!…I said it wrong, the verb should go to the end of the sentence (I think to myself). I should have said „…wenn ich in mein Land zuruck gehe“. But that’s not the point, she understood me and little mistakes don’t matter. I know I will get back in shape again.