Daily Archives: 22. April 2009

Our German course so far

Now that we’re almost at the end of the third week of the course, it’s time to sit look back on what we’ve learned so far. Well, a lot of things.. we started with describing buildings and types of hauses and rooms to live in, family relations and so on… and throughout the stories we started to repeat or learn grammatic rules, such as the „Infinitiv mit zu“, and how to connect the parts of sentences,  oh and the „Ausdrücken“ of course..
Then came the stations of our lives or other famous people’s, with learning the „Praeteritum“ (Past) and „Plusquamperfekt“ (Past Perfect) tenses, and the verbes that these rules doesn’t apply to as to the others.. At that time did we learn when to use „wenn“ and „als“ as well.
Then came the hotels and the indirect questions, the conditional forms, and the lovely „Personalpronomen“, followed by the situations of a tourist guide helping people lost in Graz, giving directions – with the proper prepositions of course. Oh, how could I forgot those „Lokale Prapositionen“!

But these are just the brief facts, not even all of them.. What I like the most is still the situational games and interactions when we have to speak to eachother, because it really gives me the courage to talk to people on the street in german as well. In fact, I have only been speaking to strangers in shops or on the street in german since I’m here, and so far – it went quite good!

I hope that by next week, I’ll be able to write this blog in german as well, because that was my origonal purpose. We’ll see!



Heute ist Mittwoch. Mein Michael ist krank und jetzt bin ich auch krank. Wir haben jetzt beide Fieber und Schnupfen.

Ich habe eine interessante Lektion in der Deutschschule gehabt. Wir waren in einem Cafe, weil es in der Schule zu laut war. Das war eine super Idee von Olaf. Ich habe einen Kakao mit Sahne getrunken. Wir haben über Sport gesprochen. Wir haben zusammen über viele verschiedene Sportarten gesprochen. Wir waren auch zusammen in einem Buchladen. Olaf hat uns ein tolles Grammatikbuch gezeigt. Jetzt bin ich zu Hause und krank.
