Daily Archives: 21. April 2009

Deutschschule, Musik & Sport

Ich war heute in der Schule. Wir haben heute auch über Musik gesprochen. Morgen haben wir ein anderes Thema. Morgen sprechen wir über Sport. Dieses Thema habe ich noch lieber, denn mit Musik kenne ich mich nicht so gut aus. Daher ist Sport das beste Thema für mich. Ich mache jeden Tag Sport, denn es bereitet mir große Freude. Heute war ich auch im Fitnessstudio. Ich hatte heute einen Kurs für spezielle Bauchübungen. Das war eine gute Übung für mich, aber jetzt sitze ich auf dem Sofa und esse zu viel. Erstens: habe ich eine Kohlrabi und Kartoffel gegessen. Zweitens: habe ich einen Kuchen gegessen. Drittens: habe ich einen Hühnchensalat gegessen. Aber das beste kommt zu Ende: Jetzt esse ich eine gute Schokolade. Danach bin ich satt!


Tourist guide

Treptower Park

Since I’m a newcomer myself to this city with my last 2 weeks spent only here, if it comes to to write a short recommendation for other tourists what to visit here, we could say that I start with a bit of a handicap. On the other hand, I have the advantage of having fresh memories and impressions not shrouded by tipical tourist-guide lines, so I can share with you my favourite sights of Berlin.

First af all, I would recommend you to look around whereever you are, and go to the nearest park, just to get a taste of the feeling I felt on my first week here, seeing thousands of people, families and friends together enjoying simply being the closest to the nature possible in a town this big. If this park you found doesn’t happen to be near a lake or a river, than the next thing I recommend you to find one – that actually is!


Like the Müggelsee for example. It’s a very big lake in the B district of Berlin, which means you can get there by S-Bahn or by a simple tram as well, and I guarantee you won’t believe your eyes.
Now if you’re more curious what the city itself can show you, I would send you back to the central, basically to any of the streets that have a little more people than avarage… What for? To see the most interesting street musicians in Europe!

Musicians in Mauerpark

Solo-guitar players, saxophonists, trumpeters, different kinds of drummers, complete jazz bands playing on the street – as you can see, in Berlin nothing’s impossible! As far as I know, it’s hard to find someone here who can’t play any musical instrument at all… My favourite place, where you can find musicians even in the most unfriendly weather is the Mauerpark in Prezlauer Berg.
Of course, if you’d like to listen to professionals, there are lots of places to go as well. There’s a great thing that they invented here to get more people going to classical performances: the so-called Classic Card. If you haven’t turned 30 yet, you can get this card for only 15 Euros, and for one year, you can get even the best places at different performances related to classical music (opera, ballet, classical concerts etc.) at various spots in the city. For more information you should visit: http://www.classiccard.de


And finally, when you’re tired of culture.. well, you should have a drink at one of the many different pubs in Berlin! Since – of course – I haven’t been to many of them yet, I suggest you go into the closest one you can find. If it’s on the bank of one of the rivers or canals – even better!

Pub on the canal

And finally, if you are more into the calm, peaceful village-life, you can always take the S-Bahn to Potsdam or Spandau – two of the nice suburbian parts of Berlin with their own cultures and (world) heritages – they both worth a visit!

Spandau Citadel

For now, that’s what I recommend – tell me when you’re finished!