~ Der Neunte: Stammtisch 2 ~

Hallo zusammen!

It’s me again. Oh Gott! Can we talk about the weather today? I am sorry, but it was terrible! Now I love the rain, and I love the cold, but when you put them both together and then add wind, it creates a terrible disaster. At one point during the day, a gust of wind blew so hard that my umbrella went backwards and completely broke, resulting in my having to throw it away! Ay ay ay!

Anyways… So today was Stammtisch Nummer 2! This time is was at Cafe Berio in Nollendorfplatz, which was great because it’s only one short U-Bahn stop away from Wittenburgplatz Deutsch Akademie. You could walk the distance, but I don’t think anyone wanted to in this weather. It was the perfect night to just stay home and watch a film, but that is my innerer Schweinehund talking, so I went! When I got there, I said I was with Deutsch Akademie and they automatically showed me upstairs to a quaint private section just for us. Unlike Cancun, this place was quiet and a bit smaller, cozier too. I saw some of the awesome people I met at the last Stammtisch and talked to them for a little while before going to another table to meet new ones.

Cute little Cafe!

The table I was at was full of great people from all over, including someone all the way from Indonesia! They were nice and we all had a big „Prost!“. I ordered a Berliner Wiesse Grün (if you have never tried it, I recommend it… its very sweet but it’s a fun drink if you like beer!)


Like at the other Stammtisch, we had name tags and about an hour into it, the Deutsch Akademie staff handed us fun quick little activity papers. Today we had to draw our favourite Faschingskostüm! Oh and almost most importantly, the food was good too!

Kartoffel Suppe!

Unfortunately today I couldn’t stay late because I have to get up early tomorrow, but I was able to enjoy the small time I had during the Stammtisch. If you haven’t gone to any yet, please go to the next one. It’s a great way to meet new people whether you’re new to Berlin or not, and just an overall fun activity to do if you have the night free. If you see me at the next Stammtisch, don’t be shy, say hi! Just look for the brunette girl with the „Milan“ name tag. Until then, bis bald!

They won a prize for their drawing!
