Daily Archives: 23. Februar 2017

~ Der Zehnte: German Mannerisms ~

Hallo zusammen!

So as I have mentioned before in a previous Blog post, I come from America (the USA to be exact). Now we Americans are known for our annoying characteristics, mainly our volume and brashness. We tend to speak freely, and most of the time quite loudly. Now in America, no one thinks twice about it because we’re al loud haha, but when you travel, especially to a place such as Deutschland, you have to realise how truly terrible your actions are. Now if I wanted to write a list of all of the stereotypical American attributes, I would be writing all night. And plus, we’re not in America, wir sind in Berlin, Deutschland! So with that being said, maybe lets focus on some Berliner attributes. Now of course this is not all Berliners, but just the general sort. And disclaimer! None of these are insults or bad, simply just objective observations made by an outsider trying to become a Berliner. So, with that being said, lets begin shall we?

So first and foremost, and probably the most important: Berliners put their ketchup ON TOP of their Pommes. Now that may not seem like such a big deal to you, but wow! It is very irritating to me when I buy a side of Pommes and by the time I finish, there are those two or three soggy ketchup soaked fries from the bottom. Now of course, I sound like a large complainer, and I probably am, but what can I say? I’m a ketchup on the side kinda gal.

Most people I have come across in Berlin tend not to say excuse me. They normally just try to squeeze in what little space there is without trying to bother you haha.

Next, I have noticed how healthy (or at least healthy looking) and active Berliners are. Often times in America, the people you see are lazy and a bit overweight. And of course, weight doesn’t necessarily correlate to health, but in America the obesity rate is very high and the overall average health level of people is very low. I notice here, in Berlin, many people are always riding their bicycles, taking the stairs, and just walking a whole lot more in general. People here, tend to be a bit more environmentally friendly, such as carrying their own Einkaufstasche with them instead of buying paper bags, or actually recycling items. This can also play into why people ride bikes so often. It’s a good way to help the environment, stay healthy, and save money.

A funny little thing I noticed, is that most Berliners stay waiting for the little green Ampelmann! Even if the Straße is completely clear, they will not walk until the light is green.

Perhaps the funniest thing I have seen people in Berlin do within this last month, is translate traditional German anecdotes and sayings into English. Now I’m sure, regular Berliners don’t actually use these English sayings (why would you if they sound better in German?) but I still think it is very entertaining to see what some people think we native English speakers say. I included some pictures of these amusing English sayings I found on cards in a little shop.

I see why they thought „Heartly Luckwish“ was a real saying (Herzlichen Glückwunsch) aber what about „Now We Have the Salad“? Where did that come from? lol

To those of you not from Berlin/Deutschland originally, what else do you notice about the awesome people here? If you have any observations, comment down below! Would love to see what you have noticed :) Until then, bis bald!



Fotos vom 2. Stammtisch im Februar

Liebe Teilnehmer,

vielen Dank für euer zahlreiches Erscheinen bei unserem Stammtisch im Café Berio! Wir gratulieren den Gewinnern unseres Faschings-Quiz und wünschen viel Spaß mit den Bildern vom gestrigen Abend.

Bis zum nächsten Stammtisch!

Euer DeutschAkademie Team

#DeutschAkademie #Stammtisch #Wittenbergplatz #MitSpaßzumErfolg

~ Der Neunte: Stammtisch 2 ~

Hallo zusammen!

It’s me again. Oh Gott! Can we talk about the weather today? I am sorry, but it was terrible! Now I love the rain, and I love the cold, but when you put them both together and then add wind, it creates a terrible disaster. At one point during the day, a gust of wind blew so hard that my umbrella went backwards and completely broke, resulting in my having to throw it away! Ay ay ay!

Anyways… So today was Stammtisch Nummer 2! This time is was at Cafe Berio in Nollendorfplatz, which was great because it’s only one short U-Bahn stop away from Wittenburgplatz Deutsch Akademie. You could walk the distance, but I don’t think anyone wanted to in this weather. It was the perfect night to just stay home and watch a film, but that is my innerer Schweinehund talking, so I went! When I got there, I said I was with Deutsch Akademie and they automatically showed me upstairs to a quaint private section just for us. Unlike Cancun, this place was quiet and a bit smaller, cozier too. I saw some of the awesome people I met at the last Stammtisch and talked to them for a little while before going to another table to meet new ones.

Cute little Cafe!

The table I was at was full of great people from all over, including someone all the way from Indonesia! They were nice and we all had a big „Prost!“. I ordered a Berliner Wiesse Grün (if you have never tried it, I recommend it… its very sweet but it’s a fun drink if you like beer!)


Like at the other Stammtisch, we had name tags and about an hour into it, the Deutsch Akademie staff handed us fun quick little activity papers. Today we had to draw our favourite Faschingskostüm! Oh and almost most importantly, the food was good too!

Kartoffel Suppe!

Unfortunately today I couldn’t stay late because I have to get up early tomorrow, but I was able to enjoy the small time I had during the Stammtisch. If you haven’t gone to any yet, please go to the next one. It’s a great way to meet new people whether you’re new to Berlin or not, and just an overall fun activity to do if you have the night free. If you see me at the next Stammtisch, don’t be shy, say hi! Just look for the brunette girl with the „Milan“ name tag. Until then, bis bald!

They won a prize for their drawing!
