Monthly Archives: April 2021

„The Uncomfort Zone“

Marco, 30th April 2021

Since August 2019 Germany and Berlin have become my second home: here is where I found my first job and I decided to stay.

The very first weeks in town have been amazing, I was continuously surrounded by a new culture, new people, and a new language.

However, there were situations in which It was really hard to get familiar with: such as in supermarket, in “Bürgeramt” or post office. I was not able to understand anything, and this made me nervous all the time.

For this reason, I needed an academy, a place where I could practice and learn German at my pace, without any fear to make mistakes or not understand. All my colleagues, without any doubt, recommended me DeutschAkademie.

DeutschAkademie IS THE PLACE TO LEARN. Why?

‘Cause DeutschAkademie embraces the “learning by doing” method.

You speak German from the very beginning and, lecture by lecture, you have the possibility to learn new vocabularies, new grammatical rules and enrich the way in which you can structure your sentences.

In this sense, I love those “breakout sessions” in which you are tête-à-tête with another student (or friend!) and you can put in place what you just learned with the teacher.

You have no way out; you MUST speak German and it’s really fun!

But no pressure, you are not in a hurry.

You can “run” at your own pace. This is how I would define DeutschAkademie.


Dania, 28th April 2021

We, as students at DeutschAkademie Berlin, are on a holiday break for some days over Eastern. I’m enjoying the time while studying outdoors now that the temperature gets warmer. I’ve just finished the B1.1 German course, and I´m very excited about it.

I am taking a moment to reflect on the past few months, right after studying German in the intensive modality continuously for six months, where I attended online classes for three hours from Monday to Thursday. I am very proud that I have kept the discipline of showing up every day motivated to learn, do homework, and proud too of what I have achieved.

A big part of the success of these months is because of the German teacher I had. She is amazing. She has excellent skills and knows very well how to teach an online class. She was caring, patient, and enthusiastic, always keeping everyone practicing and involved. We were constantly speaking, interacting, and learning so much. I enjoyed every minute of it. It has been such a rich experience!

Each class was dynamic, and we could see how our fluency was improving daily. We were always active and excited to talk while celebrating big and small steps. We are midway in the range of courses from the curriculum, in the well-known „Mittelstufe“, and I’m so looking forward to continuing to build on my German.

DaniaPeru – Viajera por el Mundo

IG: @dania_peru

Learn German to network and embrace the city vibes of Berlin

Marco, 27th April 2021

Hello there!

I’m Marco, I’m 26 years old and I’m from Italy. Almost 2 years ago, after graduating in M.Sc. of Innovation Management, it was time for me to begin a new and exciting adventure within the job market.

Which Country? Which Industry? Which company would be the right fit for me? At that time, I had many of those questions. After some investigation and search, I realized that Germany and particularly Berlin would have been the right path for me. Indeed, in the past years, Berlin has successfully grown its reputation as an attractive location for science and research. It boasts one of the most diverse and important hub for start-ups by making this sector a key driver for growth and innovation. I couldn’t have better alternatives than this one. So, I packed my bag and I suddenly travelled to Berlin!

From the very beginning I have been run over from the city, the culture and the language. It was incredible. But in order to network and embrace totally the city vibes I needed to learn German and practice (since I knew that it’s not easy at all). It became my goal and my daily motivation. This is where my path with German language and DeutschAkademie begins.

DeutschAkademie represents the best offer in town: high-quality teaching standards and full-immersion from day 1. Basically all I needed to learn German in the best way possible.

In my blog, I will give further impressions about Berlin, what’s my experience with the German culture and how I have chosen DeutschAkademie to boost my curiosity towards the German language!