Daily Archives: 30. August 2016

3D Printing in industries – Air-Space industry

3D Printing- myth or reality? Let’s see the real cases

In air and space industry approx. 10,2% of all 3D printers are used

Air and space industry also is a pioneer in the use of additive manufacturing. Companies like GE, Airbus, Rolls-Rouce, Boeing began actively cooperate with the institutions, which develop the science work in the field of additive manufacturing, began to absorb some of the companies that tested the future implementation in the industry.

Aircraft F-18, which is in use for more than 20 years, have 90 parts, manufactured using 3DP, because another way to make the missing parts is not possible. F-35 (a new fighter-bomber) today is already made out of more than 900 parts produced using 3DP.

Airbus is already saves several million dollars annually because this company has replaced some components, which were produced in the usual manner, by components, produced with the help of 3DP. For example, in aircraft were replaced all titanium brackets by brackets manufactured with the help of 3DP, that reduces aircraft weight by 2.5 kg. This weight reduction has led to the fact that the company managed to save 650,000 euros per year, due to the decreased consumed fuel.
Company Kelly Manufacturing Co.  manufactures parts for navigation equipment on board for the aircrafts. Using additive manufacturing helps to decrea lead time of the production of one detail  to three days (decrease by 93%), and leads to the price reduction (minus 5%)

According to Deloitte University research, this sector is the most promising for the development of additive manufacturing


3D Printing in industries – Medicine

3D Printing – the myth or reality? Let’s sea the real cases

In medicine today approx 16.4% of all manufactured 3D Printers are used. Below are the real examples of implementation
The pharmaceutical industry and medicine in general are among the first who began to use additive manufacturing not only for prototyping, but also to create a finished product. Metal crowns for teeth, hearing aids, prostheses, orthotics, prosthetics funds – all these are made with the help of 3D. Using additive manufacturing has allowed to make, for example, prostheses to people affected by disaster, the most rigged to the anatomy of their bodies.
For example, a team from South America in conjunction with experts from Washington developed a program that lets you create with the help of 3DP mechanical fingers. This fruitful collaboration has allowed parents of five year old boy, born without fingers on his right hand, to help their child. The parents could not afford to buy a prosthesis for $ 10,000 for each finger, and the acquisition does not make sense, because the hand of the child is growing rapidly, and prostheses should to be changes every year. But it became possible for the boy to have fingers thanks to collaboration of scientists who worked on 3DP. As a reselt of this collaboration the boy could capture and hold any item and the price of the 3D printed finger was only $ 150
The company Align technology produces special mouthguard, which are made of a transparent material, invisible to others, and which are used for teeth correction. Such invisible tooth correction means should be worn 20 -22 hours a day, and more than 150 million mouthguards, printed with the help of 3D, were sold since 1997.


Sehenswürdigkeiten in Berlin – Blue Man Group

Es ist sehr viele Sehenswürdigkeiten in Berlin, dass eine Frage erscheint – was ist wert zu besuchen

Ich war in dieser Show zufällig. Ich habe zwei Eintrittskarten als Geschenk von meiner Arbeit bekommt. Diese Show dauert 1,5 Stunde, während der sehr viele Effekten demonstrieren. Es war und ist einen Mix aus Parodie und Scherzen, Wissenschaft und Geschichte, Musik und Licht, Scharsinn und Stumpfsinn

Es war verrückt, innovative, kreative und markant

Diese Show wird über 25Mln. Zuschauer weltweit besucht. Interessante Fakt ist, dass über 4 Mln allein in Deutschland waren. Wenn Sie diese Show erleben wollen, dann lassen Sie Ihre Vernunft zu Hause und nehmen Sie nur Sinn für Humor

Ich bedaure nicht, dass ich diese Show gesehen hat (es war ein tolles Geschenk!) und ich empfehle diese Show für meine Freunden


Aiwazowki in Moskau

Aiwazowski (1817 – 1900)

Ich habe eine große Einzelausstellung von Ivan Aiwazowski besucht, der bekannteste und beliebteste Maler in Rußland war. Seine Kunst umfasst die Theme – demonstriert die Natur in einem bestimmten Moment. In der Ausstellung sind über 100 Gemälde und 50 grafische Arbeiten. In Bezug auf Aiwasowskis Schätzung, er hat circa 6000  Gemälde gemacht. Dia Ausstellung zeigt gleichzeitig vier bedeutendsten  Gemälde: The Rainbow 1873

The Black Sea 1881

The ninth wave 1850

The Wave 1889

Zum ersten Mal können Sie die Großformatgemälde „An den Ufen des Kaukasus“ sehen. An der Ausstellung werden auch Modelle von Schiffen, Kompasse, Globen und Teleskope ausgestellt


Ich war da mit meiner Mutter und meiner Schwester. Wir sind überrascht!