Daily Archives: 8. September 2013

Party… or not?

Well well, the weekend is almost over and I am pretty sure most of us will need to wake up early in the morning and head towards some responsibilities (named Language school, work, study). That’s why I want to give a last chance to the fun of the weekend to make an appearance.

As far as I know, Berlin has a big reputation in the „party-sector“. I have heard dozens of people talking about the unending, intense parties that the big city offers. Apart from the [disgusting] idea that most of the renowned clubs play minimal the whole night (what directly goes into the opposite direction of my Latin-rhythms-dancing-spirit), I was wanting to try and been able to talk by my own. However, most nights the enthusiasm had gone down when hearing that the line was of around 1 hour, or inconceivable statements like that.

Some days ago, finally we carried on with the plan and went directly into the queue. My group was composed by 5 foreigners, me being the only female representation. And when we arrived to the very first position, the guy controlling the entrance waved his head horizontally… and a cruel negation slapped our faces. Why? I have no idea. The horror of the Clubs‘ selection had became true and our plan had been abruptly interrupted by external opinions.

Still I feel confused when I think about this selective process. However, there is always a good part behind every apparently bad situation. Just at the end of the line, the entrance to an outdoor-sandy-bar appeared as a rescuer. On top of that, an inflatable castle was standing in front of our eyes, inviting everyone to return to their 6 years of age.


Back to childhood. My group of „rejectedS“ in the castle.

Instead of getting crazy with minimal style, we became children again and jumped inside the castle until the body got too warm and needed a refreshing drink (I am not talking about beer here…dirty minds), and so the night turned out to be unexpectedly nicer.

(I haven’t been into a Berliner club, though — suggestions would be happily received)


An diesem Wochenende hatte ich die Möglichkeit aus Berlin heraus zu kommen und hatte die Chance etwas anderes zu sehen. Ich besuchte eine kleine Stadt namens Stolberg. Stolberg liegt im Harz und ist umgeben von wunderschönen Wäldern. Sie ist eine historische Europastadt, die von vielen Touristen besucht wird. Das Markenzeichen dieser Stadt sind die vielen typischen deutschen Fachwerkhäuser im Renaissancestil. Falls du dir gern einmal diesen Kontrast von typischen alten Fachwerkhäusern – zu Berlin mit seinen Neubauten anschauen möchtest, dann bist Du genau hier richtig!!! Was kannst du dir noch anschauen? Du findest hier ein sehr altes Schloss, welches um 1200 Jahrhundert erbaut wurde, eine sehr alte Kirche und eine Schokoladen- / Keksfabrik, die um 1891 eröffnet wurde.