Daily Archives: 30. August 2013

The meaning of: Mit Spaß zum Erfolg

In every learning experience the motivation is a crucial factor. What about those courses in the University that thought really interesting topics catching all your attention and led you to study as if you were playing a videogame (or reading a novel, or something not academically related). The trick is in the motivation, at least for me.

So that’s why today I am talking about this slogan: Mit Spaß um Erfolg (With fun to success). Fun is one of the thousand factors that can gate interest and therefore motivation. And as I say, nothing else is that important when learning, and especially when you are learning a language, that it is not going to have a final grade and affect your GPA.

When I was studying Portuguese (and also English, but let’s focus on my favorite one) I was surprised on how my teacher’s teaching technique was so effective. I was always excited about going to class, to do my homework… and so on. And for me the secret was on the dynamic of the course, it felt more like a friendly environment than like a strict formal class. So I studied Portuguese with all my motivation and excitation, and manage to develop pretty good skills.

With this course I have had the same feeling. I had already done my A1 course in Bonn, but the class was big, and the dynamism was pretty slow (boring I could say). We never got to play a game, or do “theater”. And although I was motivated, the reasons that drove me to the course where coming from the outside rather than form the course by itself. Here, the days I liked the most where those in the last week, when we were just “applying” in a funny and dynamic way what we had learned during the 3 weeks before. So we were interacting with little presentations, games and –most important- tons of laugh and making the learning of the German language more a pleasure than an obligation.

DSCN9992Proud of our presentation of Die Zeitung

If you ask me, is in this teaching method where the secret to success lies.