Daily Archives: 1. Februar 2011

The Flying Highlighter

Some of us are using highlighters when reviewing an article or just reading the course material. Highlighting is becoming increasingly popular nowadays. Not just literally but also metaphorically: with so many information available to us every moment in every place, the option of virtual-highlighting could solve some problems. The idea is simple: keep the substance, leave the rest.  Browser favorites, Twitter, Facebook like button, liking are just different forms of „highlighting“ what we find important, what we believe is worth sharing with others. It is like a road map for our brain with signals of different meaning. Without it we would be lost. But the question is who is highlighting what…

An interesting live is taking place tonight. The Norwegian electro-terrorists MoHa! team up with Idan Hayosh & Anu Vahtra in what they call a “Fire & Ignorance” performance http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9J6RmIUKOy4

Last but not least, a small something from the youtube closet. Ladies and gentleman, the most famous Australian live in Berlin http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k479ct48ZW0