Daily Archives: 20. Februar 2017

~ Der Achte: Study Tips ~

Hallo zusammen!

So it has come to my attention that some of my Wittenbergplatz Deutsch Akademie student mates are having a bit of a hard time remember certain aspects of Deutsch. Now, I am not perfect either but over the years I have developed some help study habits that help me remember information efficiently. Of course I do not have all the great tips, but I will share the few I have with you. And if any of you are reading this, feel free to comment more tips you have down below!

  • First tip: TAKE NOTES ! Very important! If you have notes, go home and review them every night. If every night is too often and you are very busy, try to do a review at least every other day. It’s very important to keep the information fresh in your mind, especially if you are not utilising/speaking it all the time.
  • Use flash cards to help memorize the past tense version of verbs. Can also be used to memorize      the Artikel of words, or just vocabulary in general.
  • Like I mentioned above, if you are not speaking to others auf Deutsch often, then try to speak to yourself. Of course it may seem a little silly, and you don’t need to do it public haha, but if you are at home, try to ask yourself questions and answer them in Deutsch.
  • If you have trouble memorizing the Artikel of the nouns (der/die/das), you can write them in colors in a notebook, in a folder, on loose papers, etc. For example, if you’re writing your vocabulary, you can write masculine words in a black pen, feminine words in a red pen, and neutral words in a blue pen. You could also underline them in colors to help your brain connect a pattern between the color assigned to the gender and the word.

    Color by Artikel (please excuse the messy writing)

  • On your free days, or when you finish the course, go back and do the exercises in the Arbeitsbuch that weren’t assigned to you by your instructor during the course.
  • Try to read German books and watch German TV Shows/Films (with or without subtitles).

Hopefully you utilise some of these tips, and they actually help you! If not, I do apologize! Bis bald :)


Kulturprogramm im Februar

Liebe Teilnehmer,

am letzten Freitag hat uns unser Kulturprogramm zur Topographie des Terrors gebracht.
Es war eine sehr interessante Führung durch das Dokumentationszentrum und wir konnten einiges über die deutsche Kriegsgeschichte und Nachkriegszeit lernen. Anbei gibt es noch ein paar Fotos für euch zum Anschauen.

Euer DeutschAkademie Team