Online-Live Deutschkurs mit Lehrer*in

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Kapitel 9 | Lektion 7

Die automatische Wiederholung ist aus. an.

Exercise: directions and locations

Now, let's listen to some sentences using these prepositions. We will begin with sentences that describe where something is. So, you can ask the question "where" or in German "wo". This means that we have to use which case? Right, the Dativ. Sit back and relax while you listen to the examples. You will hear the German sentence first and then the English translation:

On the mountain there's a ski lodge.

Auf dem Berg gibt es eine Skihütte.

The route begins behind the ski lodge.

Hinter der Skihütte beginnt die Strecke.

In the ski lodge we'll drink a hot tea.

In der Skihütte trinken wir einen heißen Tee.

I would like to ski next to you.

Ich möchte neben dir Ski fahren.

The ski goggles are lying under the car seat.

Die Skibrille liegt unter dem Sitz.


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