Online Deutschkurs Forum

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User Time Action
Guest 11:34:02 AM / Reporting a topic to a moderator. 11:34:02 AM Reporting a topic to a moderator.
Guest 11:33:58 AM / Reporting a topic to a moderator. 11:33:58 AM Reporting a topic to a moderator.
Guest 11:33:55 AM / Viewing the topic Partizip 1 (Partizip Präsens) vs. Partizip 2 (Partizip Perfekt) -der Unterschied. 11:33:55 AM Viewing the topic Partizip 1 (Partizip Präsens) vs. Partizip 2 (Partizip Perfekt) -der Unterschied.
Guest 11:33:47 AM / Reporting a topic to a moderator. 11:33:47 AM Reporting a topic to a moderator.
Guest 11:33:43 AM / Viewing the topic Erklärungen zu Wörtern (Verben, Nomen, Adjektive, ...). 11:33:43 AM Viewing the topic Erklärungen zu Wörtern (Verben, Nomen, Adjektive, ...).
Guest 11:33:39 AM / Reporting a topic to a moderator. 11:33:39 AM Reporting a topic to a moderator.
Guest 11:33:30 AM / Viewing the board index of Online Deutschkurs Forum. 11:33:30 AM Viewing the board index of Online Deutschkurs Forum.
Guest 11:33:26 AM / Reporting a topic to a moderator. 11:33:26 AM Reporting a topic to a moderator.
Guest 11:33:22 AM / Viewing the topic Liste Verben mit Präpositionen + reflexive Verben mit Präpositionen. 11:33:22 AM Viewing the topic Liste Verben mit Präpositionen + reflexive Verben mit Präpositionen.
Guest 11:33:18 AM / Reporting a topic to a moderator. 11:33:18 AM Reporting a topic to a moderator.
Guest 11:33:14 AM / Reporting a topic to a moderator. 11:33:14 AM Reporting a topic to a moderator.
Guest 11:33:10 AM / Viewing the topic Warum lernst du Deutsch?. 11:33:10 AM Viewing the topic Warum lernst du Deutsch?.
Guest 11:33:10 AM / Viewing the board index of Online Deutschkurs Forum. 11:33:10 AM Viewing the board index of Online Deutschkurs Forum.
Guest 11:33:06 AM / Viewing the topic Adjektivdeklination:Welche Endung hat das Adjektiv nach einem Nomen OHNE Artikel. 11:33:06 AM Viewing the topic Adjektivdeklination:Welche Endung hat das Adjektiv nach einem Nomen OHNE Artikel.
Guest 11:33:03 AM / Reporting a topic to a moderator. 11:33:03 AM Reporting a topic to a moderator.
Guest 11:33:02 AM / Viewing the topic Warum lernst du Deutsch?. 11:33:02 AM Viewing the topic Warum lernst du Deutsch?.
Guest 11:32:58 AM / Viewing the topic Wann kommt welche W-Frage: wer, wie, wann, wo, woher, wie lange,.... 11:32:58 AM Viewing the topic Wann kommt welche W-Frage: wer, wie, wann, wo, woher, wie lange,....
Guest 11:32:58 AM / Reporting a topic to a moderator. 11:32:58 AM Reporting a topic to a moderator.
Guest 11:32:54 AM / Reporting a topic to a moderator. 11:32:54 AM Reporting a topic to a moderator.
Guest 11:32:50 AM / Reporting a topic to a moderator. 11:32:50 AM Reporting a topic to a moderator.
Guest 11:32:46 AM / Viewing the topic Adjektivdeklination:Welche Endung hat das Adjektiv nach einem Nomen OHNE Artikel. 11:32:46 AM Viewing the topic Adjektivdeklination:Welche Endung hat das Adjektiv nach einem Nomen OHNE Artikel.
Guest 11:32:42 AM / Reporting a topic to a moderator. 11:32:42 AM Reporting a topic to a moderator.
Guest 11:32:39 AM / Viewing the topic Liste komplett : (Echte) Reflexive Verben. 11:32:39 AM Viewing the topic Liste komplett : (Echte) Reflexive Verben.
Guest 11:32:34 AM / Reporting a topic to a moderator. 11:32:34 AM Reporting a topic to a moderator.
Guest 11:32:26 AM / Reporting a topic to a moderator. 11:32:26 AM Reporting a topic to a moderator.
Guest 11:32:25 AM / Registering for an account on the forum. 11:32:25 AM Registering for an account on the forum.
Guest 11:32:25 AM / Viewing the topic Dativ oder Akkusativ? Wem oder wen? 3. oder 4. Fall? Liste der Verben mit Dativ. 11:32:25 AM Viewing the topic Dativ oder Akkusativ? Wem oder wen? 3. oder 4. Fall? Liste der Verben mit Dativ.
Guest 11:32:22 AM / Viewing the topic Adjektiv + dessen Reihung. 11:32:22 AM Viewing the topic Adjektiv + dessen Reihung.
Guest 11:32:18 AM / Viewing the board Fragen zur Grammatik (German Grammar). 11:32:18 AM Viewing the board Fragen zur Grammatik (German Grammar).
Guest 11:32:14 AM / Viewing the topic Wann muss man "Wenn" und wann "falls" benutzen. 11:32:14 AM Viewing the topic Wann muss man "Wenn" und wann "falls" benutzen.
Guest 11:32:10 AM / Viewing the topic Dativ oder Akkusativ? Wem oder wen? 3. oder 4. Fall? Liste der Verben mit Dativ. 11:32:10 AM Viewing the topic Dativ oder Akkusativ? Wem oder wen? 3. oder 4. Fall? Liste der Verben mit Dativ.
Guest 11:32:06 AM / Reporting a topic to a moderator. 11:32:06 AM Reporting a topic to a moderator.
Guest 11:32:03 AM / Reporting a topic to a moderator. 11:32:03 AM Reporting a topic to a moderator.
Guest 11:31:54 AM / Reporting a topic to a moderator. 11:31:54 AM Reporting a topic to a moderator.
Guest 11:31:50 AM / Reporting a topic to a moderator. 11:31:50 AM Reporting a topic to a moderator.
Guest 11:31:47 AM / Reporting a topic to a moderator. 11:31:47 AM Reporting a topic to a moderator.
Guest 11:31:42 AM / Reporting a topic to a moderator. 11:31:42 AM Reporting a topic to a moderator.
Guest 11:31:41 AM / Reporting a topic to a moderator. 11:31:41 AM Reporting a topic to a moderator.
Guest 11:31:34 AM / Reporting a topic to a moderator. 11:31:34 AM Reporting a topic to a moderator.
Guest 11:31:27 AM / Reporting a topic to a moderator. 11:31:27 AM Reporting a topic to a moderator.
Guest 11:31:22 AM / Reporting a topic to a moderator. 11:31:22 AM Reporting a topic to a moderator.
Guest 11:31:18 AM / Viewing the topic Wann kommt welche W-Frage: wer, wie, wann, wo, woher, wie lange,.... 11:31:18 AM Viewing the topic Wann kommt welche W-Frage: wer, wie, wann, wo, woher, wie lange,....
Guest 11:31:14 AM / Reporting a topic to a moderator. 11:31:14 AM Reporting a topic to a moderator.
Guest 11:31:10 AM / Reporting a topic to a moderator. 11:31:10 AM Reporting a topic to a moderator.
Guest 11:31:07 AM / Viewing the topic Partizip 1 (Partizip Präsens) vs. Partizip 2 (Partizip Perfekt) -der Unterschied. 11:31:07 AM Viewing the topic Partizip 1 (Partizip Präsens) vs. Partizip 2 (Partizip Perfekt) -der Unterschied.
Guest 11:31:03 AM / Reporting a topic to a moderator. 11:31:03 AM Reporting a topic to a moderator.
Guest 11:30:58 AM / Viewing the topic Adjektivdeklination: Welche Adjektivendung kommt nach dem unbestimmten Artikel?. 11:30:58 AM Viewing the topic Adjektivdeklination: Welche Adjektivendung kommt nach dem unbestimmten Artikel?.
Guest 11:30:54 AM / Viewing the board Fragen zur Grammatik (German Grammar). 11:30:54 AM Viewing the board Fragen zur Grammatik (German Grammar).
Guest 11:30:46 AM / Reporting a topic to a moderator. 11:30:46 AM Reporting a topic to a moderator.
Guest 11:30:42 AM / Reporting a topic to a moderator. 11:30:42 AM Reporting a topic to a moderator.
Guest 11:30:41 AM / Viewing the topic Goethe Schreiben B2. 11:30:41 AM Viewing the topic Goethe Schreiben B2.
Guest 11:30:38 AM / Reporting a topic to a moderator. 11:30:38 AM Reporting a topic to a moderator.
Guest 11:30:26 AM / Reporting a topic to a moderator. 11:30:26 AM Reporting a topic to a moderator.
Guest 11:30:22 AM / Viewing the topic Das Relativpronomen. 11:30:22 AM Viewing the topic Das Relativpronomen.
Guest 11:30:14 AM / Viewing the board index of Online Deutschkurs Forum. 11:30:14 AM Viewing the board index of Online Deutschkurs Forum.
Guest 11:30:10 AM / Viewing the board index of Online Deutschkurs Forum. 11:30:10 AM Viewing the board index of Online Deutschkurs Forum.
Guest 11:30:02 AM / Viewing the board index of Online Deutschkurs Forum. 11:30:02 AM Viewing the board index of Online Deutschkurs Forum.
Guest 11:29:59 AM / Reporting a topic to a moderator. 11:29:59 AM Reporting a topic to a moderator.
Guest 11:29:58 AM / Viewing the board index of Online Deutschkurs Forum. 11:29:58 AM Viewing the board index of Online Deutschkurs Forum.
Guest 11:29:54 AM / Viewing the board index of Online Deutschkurs Forum. 11:29:54 AM Viewing the board index of Online Deutschkurs Forum.
Guest 11:29:50 AM / Viewing the board index of Online Deutschkurs Forum. 11:29:50 AM Viewing the board index of Online Deutschkurs Forum.
Guest 11:29:43 AM / Viewing the board index of Online Deutschkurs Forum. 11:29:43 AM Viewing the board index of Online Deutschkurs Forum.
Guest 11:29:38 AM / Viewing the board index of Online Deutschkurs Forum. 11:29:38 AM Viewing the board index of Online Deutschkurs Forum.
Guest 11:29:37 AM / Viewing the board index of Online Deutschkurs Forum. 11:29:37 AM Viewing the board index of Online Deutschkurs Forum.
Guest 11:29:34 AM / Viewing the board index of Online Deutschkurs Forum. 11:29:34 AM Viewing the board index of Online Deutschkurs Forum.
Guest 11:29:29 AM / Viewing the topic Kurzgeschichte mit mp3 und englischer Übersetzung für Niveau A2 + B1 . 11:29:29 AM Viewing the topic Kurzgeschichte mit mp3 und englischer Übersetzung für Niveau A2 + B1 .
Guest 11:29:27 AM / Viewing the board index of Online Deutschkurs Forum. 11:29:27 AM Viewing the board index of Online Deutschkurs Forum.
Guest 11:29:22 AM / Viewing the board index of Online Deutschkurs Forum. 11:29:22 AM Viewing the board index of Online Deutschkurs Forum.
Guest 11:29:19 AM / Viewing the board index of Online Deutschkurs Forum. 11:29:19 AM Viewing the board index of Online Deutschkurs Forum.
Guest 11:29:10 AM / Viewing the board index of Online Deutschkurs Forum. 11:29:10 AM Viewing the board index of Online Deutschkurs Forum.
Guest 11:29:07 AM / Viewing the board index of Online Deutschkurs Forum. 11:29:07 AM Viewing the board index of Online Deutschkurs Forum.
Guest 11:29:03 AM / Viewing the board index of Online Deutschkurs Forum. 11:29:03 AM Viewing the board index of Online Deutschkurs Forum.
Guest 11:28:58 AM / Reporting a topic to a moderator. 11:28:58 AM Reporting a topic to a moderator.
Guest 11:28:54 AM / Viewing the board index of Online Deutschkurs Forum. 11:28:54 AM Viewing the board index of Online Deutschkurs Forum.
Guest 11:28:47 AM / Viewing the board index of Online Deutschkurs Forum. 11:28:47 AM Viewing the board index of Online Deutschkurs Forum.
Guest 11:28:34 AM / Viewing the board Allgemeine Diskussion (General Discussion). 11:28:34 AM Viewing the board Allgemeine Diskussion (General Discussion).
Guest 11:28:27 AM / Viewing the topic Plattdeutsch. 11:28:27 AM Viewing the topic Plattdeutsch.
Guest 11:28:26 AM / Printing the topic "Das Verb "ausschließen" Was Das Genau Heißt". 11:28:26 AM Printing the topic "Das Verb "ausschließen" Was Das Genau Heißt".
Guest 11:28:24 AM / Viewing the topic Plattdeutsch. 11:28:24 AM Viewing the topic Plattdeutsch.
Guest 11:28:22 AM / Viewing the board Fragen zur Grammatik (German Grammar). 11:28:22 AM Viewing the board Fragen zur Grammatik (German Grammar).
Guest 11:28:12 AM / Viewing the board Fragen zur Grammatik (German Grammar). 11:28:12 AM Viewing the board Fragen zur Grammatik (German Grammar).
Guest 11:28:09 AM / Reporting a topic to a moderator. 11:28:09 AM Reporting a topic to a moderator.
Guest 11:27:58 AM / Viewing the board Fragen zur Grammatik (German Grammar). 11:27:58 AM Viewing the board Fragen zur Grammatik (German Grammar).
Guest 11:27:46 AM / Viewing the board Fragen zur Grammatik (German Grammar). 11:27:46 AM Viewing the board Fragen zur Grammatik (German Grammar).
Guest 11:27:35 AM / Viewing the board Fragen zur Grammatik (German Grammar). 11:27:35 AM Viewing the board Fragen zur Grammatik (German Grammar).
Guest 11:27:22 AM / Viewing the board Fragen zur Grammatik (German Grammar). 11:27:22 AM Viewing the board Fragen zur Grammatik (German Grammar).
Guest 11:27:12 AM / Viewing the topic Plattdeutsch. 11:27:12 AM Viewing the topic Plattdeutsch.
Guest 11:27:02 AM / Reporting a topic to a moderator. 11:27:02 AM Reporting a topic to a moderator.
Guest 11:26:47 AM / Unknown Action 11:26:47 AM Unknown Action
Guest 11:26:38 AM / Viewing the board Fragen zur Grammatik (German Grammar). 11:26:38 AM Viewing the board Fragen zur Grammatik (German Grammar).
Guest 11:26:18 AM / Viewing the board Fragen zur Grammatik (German Grammar). 11:26:18 AM Viewing the board Fragen zur Grammatik (German Grammar).
Guest 11:25:55 AM / Viewing the board Allgemeine Diskussion (General Discussion). 11:25:55 AM Viewing the board Allgemeine Diskussion (General Discussion).
Guest 11:25:43 AM / Viewing the board Allgemeine Diskussion (General Discussion). 11:25:43 AM Viewing the board Allgemeine Diskussion (General Discussion).
Guest 11:25:37 AM / Viewing the topic "kein, keine, keines" Negation der Artikel: Bildung und Gebrauch . 11:25:37 AM Viewing the topic "kein, keine, keines" Negation der Artikel: Bildung und Gebrauch .
Guest 11:25:30 AM / Viewing the board Fragen zur Grammatik (German Grammar). 11:25:30 AM Viewing the board Fragen zur Grammatik (German Grammar).
Guest 11:25:29 AM / Reporting a topic to a moderator. 11:25:29 AM Reporting a topic to a moderator.
Guest 11:25:28 AM / Viewing the topic Ceylina`s Deutsch Lerntagebuch. 11:25:28 AM Viewing the topic Ceylina`s Deutsch Lerntagebuch.
Guest 11:25:19 AM / Viewing the board Fragen zur Grammatik (German Grammar). 11:25:19 AM Viewing the board Fragen zur Grammatik (German Grammar).
Guest 11:25:16 AM / Viewing the board Fragen zur Grammatik (German Grammar). 11:25:16 AM Viewing the board Fragen zur Grammatik (German Grammar).
Guest 11:25:09 AM / Viewing the topic In welchem Land würdest du gerne leben?. 11:25:09 AM Viewing the topic In welchem Land würdest du gerne leben?.