Visiting Münchner Residenz

Hallo there,

as I mentioned already with some girls from the previous course (A1.2) we keep in touch out of school as well.

After the November course I tried to find a solution not to forget all the things we learnt.  After some searching I have found a place which is called Bildungs Lokal. A place for foreigners, where they can get help in the integration, language learning and organizes interesting free programs.

I applied to them and also did let know my classmates about this option. We had the chance to take part in two events already; first we discovered the Münchner Residenz in the citycenter, which was the bayern kings’ and princes’ palace from 1385.

The building was amazing, fully covered by gold, many of wonderful rooms with old furnitures and decoration, besides we also had pretty good interactive explanation especially for helping us in German learning; we had to make puzzle, recognize objects on pictures, making sentences and they also showed us special things, like parfumes what people used in that age.

The Schatzkammer (Treasury) is also available for the visitors, you can see many beautiful royal jewellery and interesting objects what they used in their everyday life.

Next time I will tell you about our second program in the BayerischeMuseum.

Bis morgen,
