My first day at DeutschAkademie

Today I am here to talk about a daily class but most important: the first day.

If you are thinking about intensive courses, like me, you will have a first day every month. New teacher, new classroom and new classmates. The first day is always an adventure.

So, first, the teacher would present him/herself and may ask you some questions to each of the students. That is nice because you get the opportunity to talk about yourself to everyone but also to hear their stories like how long have been they living in Germany, where are they from, why are they living abroad…

Then, it is likely that you will play a game with you classmates, also to get to know each other. This is fun because you practice the language but also meet new people.

For me the best thing is the diversity of nationalities. When you study a language in you own country, everyone is from the same country as you and obviously you all speak the same language. But when you learn a language abroad, everyone is from different countries. So far, I had classmates from: India, Brazil, Columbia, Mexico, Thailand, Italy, Namibia, France, Lithuania, Bosnia and Herzegovina and some others.

Also, that forces you to speak with them in german, because they do not speak your own language.

Here you can see me in my current classroom this morning at 8:30.

See you in the next post 😊
