How learning can be fun

Learning German in DeutschAkademie has been easier than I thought it would be. Why? Because of the class dynamics. Everyday we have lots of content, but the teachers can pass all the knowledge to us in a simple and fun way.
Seriously, simple and fun! 
The most effective way, in my opinion, is playing games. So, during the class we play some quick and simple games that really helps us to absorb the subject.
For example, the teacher divide the class in 2 groups of people and give one pen to each. So she says a subject (like house furniture, or body parts) and we work as a team to write on the board all the words we know related to the topic WITH ARTICLE at a given time! It may sound easy, but it is challenging! Then, the teacher check every word written and give us a point for each one that is right. Today we played this game and both teams ended up with the same amount of points!
Another game that sometimes we play is “Stop”. So, everyone get a sheet of paper and divide it with columns. Each column is a topic, such as name, adjective, animal, profession, country, etc. We need to write a word according to the columns subject starting with a letter given by the teacher. Whoever fulfill all the columns faster says “stop” and we review the answers together!
Moreover, we always get some illustration that helps us memorize key grammatical learning. For example, the ones that I keep on my desk to help me study (see the picture).
To conclude, there are some best practices in DeutschAkademie that can really leverage your learning curve. Indeed, I take advantage of all of them to support my studies! Hope you find these tips useful and that you are able to apply them to boost your German learning!

