Grammar in Deutsch

So far in my class we have learned Nominativ, Akkusativ and Dativ. I have learned that when there is motion involved with the verb- we must use Akkisativ. When the verb is situative – we must use Dativ.

For example- Ich lege den Pullover in den Schrank. – akkusativ – den Pullover (m) and den Schrank(m)

ex.2 : Der Pullover (m) liegt im Schrank. – Nominativ (der Pullover) and Dativ- im (in dem) Schrank

Also, we have learned Partizip Perfekt and it’s getting along good. Some the regular verbs end in -t, the irregular ones end in -en. For ex:

regular verb- bauen (3rd prs sg. baut)- gebauet

irregular- essen (3rd prs sg. isst)- gegessen

Also the verbs involving motion form the perfekt with “sein” instead of “haben”.