Christmas is here and you can see it around.

Today the topic is the Christmas markets! One thing I love about living in this part of Europe is that I will live and enjoy them!

Where I come from we don’t have such a thing. Of course there are some but it is not like here.

The main Christmas market here in Munich opens this Friday (29/11) but there are already some small ones open.

I plan to visit the one in Nuremberg, which is really famous and hopefully the one in Salzburg. I was so lucky when I was in Innsbruck that the Christmas market was already open!

I think they are special and beautiful. And it is a nice way to enjoy also the winter time.

I am not a Christmas fan but nobody can resist this atmosphere: they have food, hot wine, music, and it makes the city look so so nice!

See you in the next post,

Chiara 😊