
The tradition dates back to the mid-19thcentury, when German Protestants lit candles and marked doors to count the days until Christmas. The word „Advent“ has a latin background, and means „Arrival“. The time of “Arrival”, before Christmas, should adjust our view on things like tranquility and reflection. The Kalender accompanies us during Christmas time. A german, Gerhard Lang, created our Adventskalender. He took the idea from his mother, who prepared him for the arrival of Christmas with 24 colored pictures attached to a piece of cardboard to count the days til Christmas. Well nowadays we know, that some pictures on cardboard don’t represent anymore the soul of our time. Adventskalender have developed to an all-around product with a lot potential. You can purchase a Kalender with some a wide assortment of fine chocolate, treats, toys, and other goodies. But of course the heart of a Kalender, the pictures, were kept. This year 22 Million Adventskalender found a new home. But not just in Germany. Other countries, even those which don’t celebrate Christmas, want a german Adventskalender.

As a person who followed this german tradition, I think it makes Christmas more special, exciting, and gives the feeling of appreciation for this time of the year. It produces its own charme and brings you back into your childhood.

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