Tips for improving your German!

Hello People,

How is your German going? Well in this posts I want to say some tips that are helping me every day to improve my German.

  1. Associate the German words and verbs with your mother tongue language not English because is better to remember the words.
  2. Download apps if you spend 20 min on Facebook you also can spend 20 min in apps to learn some new vocabulary for example Duolingo is a very cool app.
  3. If in your work or at home there is a German native speakers please ask for help. Tell him or her to talk to you in German. I do that with my husband.
  4. Go to the groceries alone and ask everything in German. People here in Munich are really nice and they know that their language it is quite hard and they appreciate that you are trying to speak it.
  5. I love Gossip Girl series and I am watching it in English with subtitles in German so I can learn more phrases. This series is the 4 times that I watch it. Watch some movies that you already know so it is easier to follow the subtitles in German.
  6. Practice every day at home and try hard.

I hope this tips can help you see you in my next post.

