The second day

This is the second day of learning, we repeat what we have learnt the day before, like how to search a place you want to go, how to express directions, such as “turn left” and “turn right” in german. I found it very useful because for a newcomer in a city, the most difficult thing is to find where to go and if you don’t know how to ask people, it will just get more difficult to find the way.

We also learned how to ask politely, for example, ”können Sie mir helfen?”. It’s like in english ”Could you help me ?”, but surely, asking politely is necessary, for those people who helped you, we should say ”Danke “.It is normal when people here doesn’t know how to go to the place you want, but we should still appreciate their effort, for this situation we could say “Trotzdem: Dankeschön.”I really like those useful expressions we learned in class, sometimes our teacher will explain us some daily expressions and answer our questions in learning patiently.