International Classmates

My classmates come from different countries, Nigeria, China, Ukraine, Brazil, Palestina, Irak, Bosnia, Italy, Venezuela and me from Colombia, all of us are agree with the same reason of why we are learning German, even we could say at the same time “to work” if you want to live in Germany, to have a job or to interact with Germans, first step learn German.

A friend that has been living here in Germany for almost 10 years added a couple of things, like learn German, see Tatort every weekend, learn German, use sandals with socks in summer, learn German, go at least once per year to Mallorca to holidays, learn German, eat Schnitzel (at least in Bavaria) and learn German. And finally she added, then you will feel that you will start thinking as a German, so as you saw the most important thing here is speak German, doesn’t matter the reason, it could be for joy, to study, for a job, to travel, anything, find your motivation and Learn German.