Vierzehn: Einkaufen

Hallo Leute!

This entry isn’t really going to be about a place or thing you can visit here in Berlin, but rather a few tiny things you can do to help yourself while you live here in Berlin. Going grocery shopping is perhaps the most important thing you can do to keep yourself alive haha, but let’s be honest its not the most diverting activity to do. Sometimes it can even be a nuisance, but hopefully some of these tips make grocery shopping less of a drag.

  • Tip 1: Make sure to always take Einkaufstaschen with you when you go to the Markt. Nothing is worse than forgetting your bags and having to buy a Papier or Plastiktüte. It is also better for the environment, and arguably hurts your hands a lot less than bought Plastiktüten.
  • Tip 2: Bio Obst and Gemüse is way better for you than conventional. This should seem obvious, but not everyone knows and thats ok! Now if you don’t want to spend the big bucks at the Bioladen (because honestly no one does), there is always a huge selection of Bio Obst u. Gemüse at Rewe! The other day I found a Bio Aubergine for 79 cents! Now that’s what I’m talking about! Another great place to find fresh produce is a local Markt near you. You can find regional food at great prices.
  • Tip 3: I know it is a bit difficult here in Deutschland, but if possible (for example with rice or pasta) buy bulk! You end up getting a lot more bang for your buck. (sorry that is an American expression lol)
  • Tip 3: Speaking of Rewe! A whole bunch of stores and companies throughout Berlin (such as DM, Rewe, Fressnapf, and many many more) have joined together to become a group of Payback Karte stores. If you sign up for a Payback Karte (which is completely free by the way) you can receive points every time you buy something at one of these stores. The list is extensive and even includes online stores! If you sign up with your E-Mail and address, they even email and mail you coupons! With these points you can receive discounts in the future, and I mean euros, not cents, off your next purchase! Also it sounds like I’m an advertiser for Payback haha, oops!

    I’m a major coupon-er now!

  • Tip 4: Never Einkauf when you’re hungry! You’ll end up buying too much food and wasting money! haha
  • Tip 5: If you absolutely hate going to Rewe or Denn’s or wherever you normally buy Lebensmittel, you can get some stores to deliver the food to your door! Now I have never tried it, but I see the advertisements all the time around Berlin. I even have a friend who tried it when she got sick and couldn’t go out for a week! It is way easier, and even though you have to pay for delivery fees, I have heard es lohnt sich!

Until then, bis bald!
-Milan :-)