~ Der Vierzehnte: Haustiere in Berlin ~

Hallo zusammen!

So, the other day, I was talking to another Deutsch Akademie student from America. Both of us were similar in the fact that we both have pets, but the difference is, she had to leave hers in the USA. It is not because she didn’t want to bring her pet, but merely because she didn’t know how. Of course, the process to take you pet to a foreign country is detailed and lengthy, but it is definitely possible, and a lot easier when you know what to do. Unfortunately, I know some one you have pets you had to leave back home and it may be better for you that way, but if you are absolutely and extremely attached to your pets (as I am), then this blog entry might be helpful for you. If you don’t have any pets you can skip right along, but if you’re interested, stay a while.

So where to begin, to bring a pet from another country to Deutschland has many steps that you need to follow correctly. Coming from a Western country is definitely a lot easier than coming from any other one, but all are still ok. If you’re travelling between EU countries, all you need to do is to get a Tierarzt check your pet and then get a EU pet passport! Pretty simple right? But if you’re bringing a pet from lets say, America, then the process is much different. First, you have to make sure your pets have a Microchip that is ISO compatible (an international standard), if they don’t have one, then you need to get one. Then you have to get a Rabies vaccination for your pets at least three months, but no more than six months before your travel date. (Sometimes more vaccinations are needed, depending on what country your travelling form.) Then, when that’s completed you need to make sure the vaccine worked and get a Rabies Titillation test done on your pet. When that’s all completed you can wait until ten days before your departure date to Deutschland. Within those ten days you need to go to the Tierarzt and get them to fill out a special pet Deutschland/USA Health Certificate and get it certified by your local Animal/Agriculture Department.

And even after all that is done, you have to make sure you buy your pet a plane ticket, either on board with you (a better and safer decision) or under the hold. You also have to make sure to buy an airline approved pet holder. You can buy your pet calming drops from Hyland which help you and your animal if they get scared easily or get anxiety when travelling. It’ll keep them quiet as well so you don’t have people looking at you on the plane as if you brought along a crying baby. Like I mentioned before, bringing a pet to Deutschland is a long, arduous process, but if you absolutely can’t say goodbye to your little friend, it is definitely one you should undergo. Good luck! Bis bald!

my little friend

P.S.: Deutschland is an incredible place to have a dog!
